Herrad van Landsberg study fund

A number of international foundations have set up a new study fund: the Herrad van Landsberg Study Fund. The purpose of the fund is to support young people in their personal development with free donation money.

Herrad van Landsberg (1125-1195) lived as a nun and later as abbess in the abbey of Hohenburg in the Vosges. She became known as the author of the illustrated encyclopaedia ‘Hortus deliciarum’ (or ‘Garden of Delicacies’). In the ‘Hortus deliciarum’ all spiritual and secular knowledge of the High Middle Ages was summarized. With the work, she wanted to perfect the education of the young nuns of her convent. The work is known as the first encyclopedia compiled by a woman.

Participating institutes
From spring 2025 to 2028, scholarships will be awarded to students studying at the following institutes: Priest Seminar Hamburg, the Freie Hochschule der Christengemeinschaft Stuttgart, the Schule für Eurythmische Art und Kunst in Berlin, the Eurythmeum in Stuttgart, the Alanus Hochschule Alfter, the Institut für Pädagogik Witten-Annen, and the Swiss schools ATKA Dornach, Eurythmeum Aesch and the Heileurythmieausbildung Dornach.

Students can apply through their study programme. They are asked to report to their training coordinator. The coordinator will be responsible for the selection of students and submit 1 to 2 students per institute to the Herrad van Landsberg study fund. The study fund asks for a personal motivation letter, which the students need to hand in via our apply system. After a possible award, the coordinator of the study fund will keep in touch with the students.

Applications can be submitted from 1 March 2025 via the application system of the Iona Stichting.

Founders of the Herrad van Landsberg study fund are Edith Maryon Stiftung, Stiftung Evidenz, the GLS Treuhand, Mahle Stiftung, Software AG Stiftung, Iona Stichting and private donors. The fund is currently under the care of the Iona Stichting. The foundation will manage the funds of the fund and keep the administration. Contact person is Roos Naves. In addition, the Iona Stichting is responsible for the contact with all training institutes, the students and the other foundations.

In the next four years, the partnership will also be concerned with the question: what do young people need to achieve free development?

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More information?

Roos Naves: roos@iona.nl