
All assignments


Studievereniging Hucbald: Herdenkingsconcert 2025 2025-0030 | Nederland | Granted: € 900
Project A WWII commemoration concert on May 4th 2025 in the Pieterskerk, Utrecht
Stichting Nederlands Studenten Kamerorkest: Nesko Schildert in Klank 2025-0026 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project Nesko paints with sound; a tour of the Netherlands Student Chamber Orchestra
Janneke Kornet beeldend kunstenaar (ZZP): Moes langs de Kromme Rijn 2025-0023 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Project A cross over art project about food and its history
Stichting Philomela: Jonge Zwaluwen 2025-0013 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Society an earmarked donation for a music/language project for young children who have just arrived in the Netherlands
Deelgenootschap Earth Charter Nederland (EC NL): Earth Charter+25 2025-0006 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Society the organization of an event to celebrate 25 years Earth Charter in the Netherlands
Stichting Publieke Werken: What The World Needs Now 2025-0003 | Nederland | Granted: € 3000
Project a social art project; participants can improvise freely on the question What The World Needs Now? in any art form they want
Kamerkoor JIP: Fauré Requiem 2025-0001 | Nederland | Granted: € 2000
Project a performance of Student Chamber Choir JIP, together with Ukranian musicians; to offer comfort and support
stichting afrisol: Bokashi-Buurt-Lab Rijsbergen 2024-0378 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding a community garden project and the production of organic soil fertilizer
Asociación Civil Social y Educativa Colectivo Colibrí: Dialoog tussen de Mapuche cosmovisie en antroposofie 2024-0377 | Argentina | Granted: € 6448
Pedagogy a dialogue between the Argentinian Mapuche cosmovision and anthroposophy:
Stichting Lotte van den Berg: Atelier van de Onmacht 2024-0374 | Nederland | Granted: € 8000
Pedagogy the Atelier of Impotence; a project to make the work of Christine Gruwe accessible for educational purposes
World Goetheanum Association: World Goetheanum Association 2024 2024-0369 | Switzerland, Germany, Brazil | Granted: € 25000
Society Earmarked donation for the Development of the WGA work in 2024
The Periodic Seminar in Russia: Periodic Seminar for teachers Russian Waldorfschools. 2024-0367 | Russia | Granted: € 5000
Pedagogy The purpose of "The Periodic Seminar" is to realize and further the aims (ideals) of Waldorf Pedagogy in Russia.
Aeres MBO Dronten Warmonderhof: Eindreis Dornach klas 4 2024-0363 | Duitsland & Zwitserland | Granted: € 2500
Landbouw, natuur & voeding An excursion of the 4th grade of the agricultural school Warmonderhof to Dornach and South Germany
Art of Caring: Art of Caring 2025 2024-0362 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Healthcare a summer school around the theme health care and art; how can they serve each other
Grothe, A: Fibers of the Feminine 2024-0360 | Nederland | Granted: € 2000
Project Fibers of the Feminine; a four part art project about the connection between female intuition and textile craft
Belt, E: Koorts bij kinderen 2024-0355 | | Granted: € 10000
Science Second year of a phd research 'Children with Fever'; how can parents help children with airway infections/fever management
Marieke Ploeg, M. H.: Grandmother Clay / I am Her 2024-0353 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Project Grandmother Clay / I am Her a social art project: theme: Mother Earth who gave birth to mankind
Goetheanum, Sektion für Bildende Künste: Tentoonstelling 'Rudolf Steiner - Leben und Werk' 2024-0350 | Zwitserland | Granted: € 10000
Society an exhibition in the Goetheanum in Dornach in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of his death
Meijer, E.R.: De Vereniging ter Bevordering van de Troost 2024-0349 | Nederland | Granted: € 2700
Project an art project about consolation in times of social and ecological uncertainties
DeDae - Dutch Eurythmy Dance Ensemble: Pinokkio 2024-0346 | Nederland | Granted: € 24602
Project earmarked donation for an eurythmy performance around the story of Pinoccio
Biosphere Solar BV: Het versterken van Biosphere Solar 2024-0345 | Netherlands | Granted: € 5500
Economie Bringing clarity, simplicity and strength to the S.O structure of Biosphere Solar
Graham, MC: The Responsible I:Experiencing the Effects of Divine Encounter in Prayer. 2024-0344 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Science PHD research: The Responsible I:Experiencing the Effects of Divine Encounter in Prayer.
Sentler, M: Bog Guardians 2024-0343 | Ierland en Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Project A new project of the Deep time Agency at the interface of art, archaeology, cultural heritage and the post-industrial landscape.
Anthroposophical Society of Ireland: The Light in the Depths: A Gathering in Ireland 2024-0331 | Ireland | Granted: € 1500
Society A Gathering of 100 young people in Ireland around Easter 2025
Stichting Critical Mass: Onderadvisering - kansenongelijkheid in het onderwijs 2024-0327 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Society earmarked donation for a project that wants to create equal chances for children receiving secundary school advice
Sjato0 010: Bijenwerkplaats 2024-0323 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding a bee keeping project for the community vineyard in the residential area of Fascinatio in Capelle a/d IJssel
Stichting REST: Twee hectare 2024-0322 | Nederland | Granted: € 15500
Landbouw, natuur & voeding Twho Hectares; support for the REST pilot program with activities at the interface of art, nature, agriculture and community building
Economy Transformers Academy: Eigentijds eigendom, ondernemen en gemeenschap 2024-0321 | Nederland | Granted: € 8300
Economie Contemporary Ownership, Entrepreneurship and Community; support for entrepreneurs.
Anthroposophische Gesellschaft (CH): Originele filosofische bijdrage van Rudolf Steiner 2024-0318 | Zwitserland | Granted: € 10000
Society Earmarked donation for the publication of articles about the philosopy of Rudolf Steiner
Iona Stichting: Boek ‘Contemplatief Biografisch Werk/Sluitsteen' 2024-0317 | | Granted: € 25000
Society Earmarked donation for a new guide to biographical work by Rinke Visser
Centre for Creative Education: Strategisch Leiderschap en verandering 2024-0316 | South Africa | Granted: € 20000
Pedagogy Improved Quality Assurance and a deep dive into transformation in all aspects of the Centre for CreativeEeducation
Stichting De Appel: De Appel Kinderhoek 2024-0315 | Nederland | Granted: € 2000
Project the realization of a childrens corner in the Apple Gallery in Amsterdam
De Vrolijkheid: Kunst Kijken 'Helden' 2024-0313 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Society 'Heroes', an educational art project for young refugee childeren and their parents
Stichting Waag Society: 100% Amsterdams textiel 2024-0302 | Nederland | Granted: € 3000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding the creation of a 100% Amsterdam made and produced costume which the Mayor will wear during the celebration of 750 years Amsterdam
SWI: Stages en praktijkervaring 2024-0301 | CROATIA | Granted: € 3615
Pedagogy Support for the Waldorf Training Insitute in Croatia; the organization of hospitations for the students
Ketter&Co: OVER|ONDER|HOUD - monument voor de tuinman 2024-0299 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding a monument for the secrets of th city gardeners of Amsterdam-South
Drawing Centre Diepenheim: Ontwikkeltraject 'Witte Nevel' (werktitel) 2024-0298 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Project the development of 'White Mist'; a collective of visual artists will research the spiritual, mystical and personal bond between man and nature
MAid stg.: Verbind Burger en Beleid 2024-0296 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Economie connecting citizens and policy makers in ideas about a new economy
Modderkolk, W: Promotieonderzoek Architectonische Ruimte van Onderwijs 2024-0295 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Science third year of a PhD research on subjectivising intentional pedagogical-didactic action (valuable leadership).
Vrije Hogeschool: Project Publieke en externe relaties 2024-0290 | nederland | Granted: € 40000
Pedagogy professionalizing and operationalizing the external and alumni policy of the Free Academy
Brinkman, A.M.: Gedenkstonde 2024 2024-0289 | Nederland | Granted: € 700
Project earmarked donation for a commemorative eurythmy ritual for the deceased
Bühnenkunst amwort: A theatre project with Speech Formation and Eurythmy 2024-0284 | Switzerland | Granted: € 5000
Project A stage project with speech and eurythmy to research the actual question of female self-identification, based on the work of A. Steffen.
Siena centrum voor kunstzinnige therapie: KICK-Off 2024-0282 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Youth Earmarked donation for Kick-Off; an anthroposophical social skills training by means of art therapy for young people in the age of 10-16
Vrije Hogeschool: Laboratorium 2024-0281 | Nederland | Granted: € 48000
Pedagogy The Laboratory of the Free College; a place for research, communication and new pedagogy projects
CREA THERA INTERNATIONAL: Music connects 2025 2024-0280 | Bosnië-Herzegovina | Granted: € 2500
Society a music therapy project for two organizations for vulnerable people in Bosnia
Stiching USKO: Weihnachts-Oratorium 2024-0279 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project Performances of the Weihnachts-Oratorium by the Utrecht Student Choir and Orchestra
Asociacia Culturala Didascalia: Happy Tales TRansylvania 2024 2024-0274 | Romania | Granted: € 1000
Project an eurythmy project for children of the Roma community in Transsylvania
Nederlanse Vereniging van Euritmisten: deelname IPEu 2024-0269 | Nederland | Granted: € 800
Project Participation in the international pedagogical eurythy meetings
Green Dream (i.o.): Green Dream 2024-0268 | Nederland | Granted: € 3000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding bringing together Green Dreamers in workshops and gatherings
Joseph Wresinski Cultuur Stichting: Rachels tranen (werktitel) 2024-0267 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Society Rachels Tears, a theatre performance by and about mothers living in poverty
Stichting Nieuw Wij: 2024-0259 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Society New We; An online dialogue platform to bring people together and prevent polarization in society
Creating Edges / Project Bloei & Groei: Bloeiplaats 2024 2024-0258 | nederland | Granted: € 20000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding Earmarked donation for the development of Florish and Grow; a workspace where women produce natural artisanal products from herbs, flowers and plants
lievegoed: Klankwieg 2024-0257 | Nederland | Granted: € 4699
Healthcare the purchase of a 'Sound Cradle' for disabled children.
Stichting Elsgeesterhof: Elsgeesterhof in de Driehoek 2024-0256 | Nederland | Granted: € 3000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding The start of a community garden project
Sahabi, S: Enlil 2024-0251 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Project the Enlil art project; central themes are mourning and loss
Ganzha, O V: Edible soil Pigments 2024-0248 | Nederland | Granted: € 2000
Project An art and research project concerning environmental friendly pigments for the printing process, made from various clay samples
Institutt for For Sosialterapi: Inclusive Transformative Leadership and Development in Social Pedagogy 2024-0247 | Online | Granted: € 5000
Healthcare Development and implementation of an anthroposophical educational program in social pedagogy, accredited for social workers in Asian countries.
Bogaers, I.E.W.M.: Stilte in de klas 2024-0246 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Science A PHD research program about the role of silence in the classroom
Youth Program Africa: All African Anthroposophic Training (Youth) 2024-0244 | Botswana | Granted: € 3000
Youth participation of a goup of young people in the AAT Training in Botswana
Scillz: Camino-scholing 2024-0237 | Nederland | Granted: € 12000
Healthcare the development of a website and educational materials for the schooling of anthroposophical care institutes
Hogeschool Leiden, lectoraat Antroposofische Gezondheidszorg: Lectoraat Antroposofische Gezondheidszorg 2024-0236 | Nederland (grotendeels). Daarnaast samenwerking in projecten met buitenlandse partijen. | Granted: € 7500
Healthcare Practical research concerning anthroposophical health care
Stichting 2024-0234 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Pedagogy a renewed and safe website offering music, materials and a library of songs to (Waldorf) schools in the Netherlands
Stichting Uit Eigen Beweging: Gedenkstondeprogramma rond Allerzielen 2024-0229 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project An All Souls commemorative eurythmy performace
Mouvement Agriculture Bio-Dynamique: BD beroepsopleiding in Frankrijk 2024-0228 | France | Granted: € 10000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding an additional year of specific training, to complement the year of biodynamic training with an official programme leading to the state diploma
Stichting Spreekkunst: Welke taal spreekt Den Haag? 2024-0220 | Nederland | Granted: € 2000
Project The performance 'What language does The Hague speak?'; about the art of speaking and the beauty of language
Decade of Action: We are the ReGeneration 2024-0219 | Nderland | Granted: € 25000
Economie Earmarked donation for the platform We are the ReGeneration
Lutters, FR: PHD Regeneratie of degeneratie? 2024-0216 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Science finalization of a PHD research project: Regeneration of Degeneration, a philosopical look into the fate of human kind in the anthropocene.
INASTE: INASTE congres 2025 2024-0211 | Oostenrijk | Granted: € 2000
Pedagogy participation of a Dutch representative in the 5th INASTE Congress in Vienna, May 2025
Stichting Zonnewending: BD Zelfoogsttuin Zonnewending 2024-0209 | NL | Granted: € 5000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding the purchase of plants and sees for self harvet garden De Zonnewending
Transitie Coalitie Voedsel: Boeren van de voor Boeren 2024-0208 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding a dialogue program around a film concerning the future of farmers.
Vor-Foundation: Pilotproject – Kwalitatief onderzoek naar Moedermelk 2024-0207 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Healthcare A pilot project; chroma, crystallization and riser image research concerning the quality of mothers milk
Impact Makers: Impact Makers 2024-0204 | Nederland | Granted: € 20000
Project Earmarkes donation for the Impact Makers organization which realizes engaged art projects
Akademie van Plaats: Ondersteuning fundament van de academie 2024-0203 | Nederland | Granted: € 17500
Society Earmarked donation for the Academy of Place
Inclusion Works: MIRYNA 2024-0200 | Nederland | Granted: € 1750
Society the creation of audio-visual portraits for people who people who are aware of their impending demise
Lab AIR: de steengoede keuken 2024-0198 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Society Inventarisation and exhibition of centuries old low-tech ceramic findings to preserve food in and sustainable way
Metamorphosen: The American dream 2024-0195 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project the American Dream; a project of the Metamophosen Amateur String Ensemble
Stichting Platform DIS: Voed ons Voedsel 2024-0192 | Nederland | Granted: € 14920
Landbouw, natuur & voeding The Feed our Food project; approaching ecological issues from both artistic and scientific viewpoints
Stichting Gezamenlijke Projecten Haagse Musea: De Haagse Museumtent - Senioren 2024-0190 | Nederland | Granted: € 2563
Society A travelling interactive museum project for the elderly in The Hague
Vereniging voor Biologisch Dynamische Landbouw en Voeding: Biodyneren 2024-0187 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding Bio dining; dinner parties at biological Farms after a guided tour. To establish the contact between farmers, food and consumers.
Academie Antroposofische Gezondheidszorg (AAG): Opleidingen Gezondheidszorg 2024-0184 | Nederland | Granted: € 15000
Healthcare support for the Academy for Anthoposophical Health Care in the Netherlands
VSNON: Kerstconcert 2024 2024-0183 | Nederland | Granted: € 250
Project Christmas concert 2024; a co-creation of Waldorfschool De Berkel and the Zutphens Barok Ensemble
Kan, R: Symposium 2024-0178 | Nederland | Granted: € 750
Science The Interface between Physics and Metaphysics; a natural science sypmposium in Amsterdam
Euritmieschool Pyrola: The beauty of it all 2024-0175 | Nederland | Granted: € 3390
Project Youth Eurythmy performances organized by the eyrythmy school The Hague
Elementary Waldorf School Rijeka: Warm winter in Rijeka 2024-0171 | Croatia | Granted: € 3000
Pedagogy the purchase of a new heating system.
schoenmakers, e: Wildwier 2024-0161 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Society Wild Weed, a group exhibition on the isle of Vlieland to celebrate the properties of sea weed
Studio Assisië: Eenwoud 2024-0160 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Project OneForest; an art project in Landpark Assisië (earmarkes donation)
Universiteit Wageningen, Faculteit Plantenwetenschappen: Onderzoeksproject 2024-0156 | | Granted: € 12500
Science earmarked donation for the resarch project 'he spitting image: ecological effects of parasitoid virus through caterpillar saliva.
HOPE Foundation: Kinderen in Gaza 2024-0153 | Palestina | Granted: € 10000
Society Earmarked donation to support traumatized children in Gaza through art work
Schumacher Lab (in oprichting): Schumacher Lab 2024-0152 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Economie the start of the Schumacher 'steward ownership project' and the organization of the Schumacher Week'.
stichting Leiden Oogst: Aardedans voor Het Zoete Land 2024-0151 | Nederland | Granted: € 1850
Project Earth Dance, a performance about care for the earth and the soil, to celebrat the 10th anniversary of a community garden
belichtingsgroep Vreedehuis: Belichtingsproject Vreedehuis 2024-0150 | Nederland | Granted: € 3000
Project Earmarked donation for a light installation for the stage of the Vreedehuis in The Hague
De Broedplaats vof: Hét Nest 2024-0147 | Nederland | Granted: € 29572
Healthcare Earmarked donation for the development of zelf-care projects for young (health) professionals, based on psychosythesis
Stichting Gaia Sira: Koepel Project Community Vitaal Voedsel 2024-0145 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding capacity building for the organisation that strives for vital food and agriculture
Vocaliter: Wolfgang! Portret van de jonge Mozart 2024-0143 | Nederland | Granted: € 940
Project Wolfgang! Portrait of the young Mozart
Ruben van der Scheer: Rode Beuk 2024-0140 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Project Earmarked donation for a project that tells the story of a felled red beech by means of art made of its wood
Stichting Warmonderhof: BD Feest van de Eeuw 2024-0137 | Nederland | Granted: € 3000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding an exhibition in honour of 100 years BD
38CC: Bobbi's Summer School 2024-0136 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Youth An art project for children in Delft organized by Exposition Space 38CC. Theme: the art of boredom
ND2+: Een Getij van Ecotopiaanse Echoes 2024-0135 | Nederland, Verenigd Koninkrijk | Granted: € 1000
Project a tide of ectopian echoes; the development of a multimedia landscape
Stichting Wijsgerig Festival Drift: Wijsgerig Festival Drift 2024 2024-0131 | Nederland | Granted: € 1500
Youth the annual Philosophical Festival in Amsterdam
Leseman, S D: 'Amulet' serie schilderijen 2024-0126 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Project 'Amulet', a series of paintings made with botanical pigments, paint and ink
Crafts Council Nederland: (W)aardewerk 2024-0125 | Nederland | Granted: € 20000
Project Earmarked donation for 'earth work'; a project about the impact and culture of ceramics
Farm & Garden National Trust: Biodynamics In the Abalimi Movement 2024-0122 | South Africa | Granted: € 3500
Landbouw, natuur & voeding Bringing awareness of healthy farming in the Abalimi Movement by facilitating, assisting farmers in implementing and adopting Biodynamic farming.
Associação Sócio Terapêutica de Almeida - IPSS: Studiereis Dornach 2024-0121 | Portugal / Zwitserland | Granted: € 1300
Healthcare participation of the co-workers in the curative Pedagogy Conference 2024 in Dornach, Switzerland
Stichting Valborg: Elias Project 2024-0119 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project Performances of the Oratorium Elias by Mendelssohn
Berentsen, M.M.: beyond the nuclear family 2024-0118 | Nederlands | Granted: € 3000
Project a nomadic covered wagon tour with performaces, poetry and visual arts to bring people and communities together
Camphill Community Trust: All Africa Anthroposophic Training 2024 2024-0117 | Botswana | Granted: € 5000
Society the 6th All Africa Anthroposophic Training; an anthroposophical gathering in Botswana.
Peters, O: Anima Mundi 2024-0116 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Project Anima Arti, a group exhibition in Arti et Amicitiae in Amsterdam
Franshike e.V.: Innsbruck Hike 2024-0113 | Austria | Granted: € 4000
Society a hike to connect displaced people, foster positive dialogue and communication skills and inspire creativity with a social impact.
Eigendom Anders: Eigendom Anders 2024 2024-0111 | Nederland | Granted: € 14400
Economie Earmarked donation for the New Ownership Festival 2024
stART international e.V. emergency aid for children: More Heart Strength for stART 2024-0105 | Germany | Granted: € 12500
Society Earmarked donation for the general organization of stArt (anthroposophical emergency aid)
Kamerkoor NEXT: Kanon Pokajanen 2024-0103 | Nederland | Granted: € 1500
Project Kanon Pokajanen; a performance of Chamber Choir NEXT in co-operation with video artist Carolien Teunisse
Boeuf Majeur: Hier in de Oersoep 2024-0100 | Nederland | Granted: € 2000
Project 'Here in the Primal Soup'; a concert about order and chaos; time and eternity bytr the Boeuf Majeur ensemble
Eenzame Uitvaart Alkmaar: Stichting Eenzame Uitvaart Alkmaar 2024-0099 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Society a project by poets from the City of Alkmaar, to mark the funeral of people who would otherwise have no one present.
colours of our heart foundation: Spiegelboom 2024-0094 | nederland | Granted: € 3000
Youth the Mirror Tree training for schools, parents and eduators.
Klooster Nieuw Sion: Meedoen op Nieuw Sion 2024-0091 | Nederland | Granted: € 4500
Youth retreats for young people
Stichting Allard Pierson: De roep van de o'o. Natuur onder druk 2024-0090 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Project The exhibition/manifestation 'The Call of the O'O; nature under pressure'
Dekoor Close Harmony: In de Stroming 2024-0089 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project In the Stream, a project of the student close harmony choir in Utrecht.
VOF Veld en Beek: Herintroductie Paardentractie 2024-0088 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding 2nd year of the introduction of horse traction, first at the BD farm Veld en Beek, later other farms will be included
Euritmia Auriel México AC: Student Bursary Fund 2024-0085 | Mexico | Granted: € 5000
Studiefinanciering Earmarked donation for a Student administered Fund to supplement tuition for Students in need of financial assistance
De Groene Sprong Nederland: BIOstad Zutphen 2024-0080 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding feasibility research to turn Zuthpen into the first BIO city in the Netherlands
Green Dream (i.o.): Green Dream - Reunie 2024-0079 | Nederland | Granted: € 1250
Landbouw, natuur & voeding a reunion of the Green Dream perma culture festival
W139: Outside the Soup 2024-0077 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Project an international art exhibition with community program
Stichting Warmonderhof: Warmonderhof Landschap Koplopers 2024-0074 | Nederland | Granted: € 14000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding the development of a plan for the future of the Warmonderhof Landscape and BD School
Southern Cross Eurythmy Therapy Training: Southern Cross Eyrythmy Therapy Training 2024-0073 | South Africa | Granted: € 1800
Healthcare a training eurythmy therapy for SCETT
Kufunda Village Trust: Kufunda Community Youth Hub 2024-0072 | Zimbabwe | Granted: € 4000
Society A six week pilot programme to build youth capacity to develop innovative initiatives for their community based on their passion.
Appenrodt-Patijn: Ik Ben woorden 2024-0070 | | Granted: € 1000
Project earmarked donation for the eurythmy performace 'I am Words'
Stichting Impact Economy Foundation: 2100 2024-0066 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Economie the 2100 program for young leaders, concerned with New Economy
Timmermans, LM: Voedselrijk Gezonde voeding voor iedereen 2024-0065 | nederland | Granted: € 1000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding Healthy foond for everybody; a BD parden and food project in Dalfsen, the Netherlands Voices of Joy 2024-0064 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project the a capella choir concert Voices of Joy
Hogeschool Leiden: Film Kunst in Onderwijs 2024-0063 | Nederland | Granted: € 2000
Project the production and distriburion of an educational film about the importance of the use of art in education
Arlesheim Academy for Anthroposophic Medicine: Clinical Case Course 2024-0061 | Switzerland, international and online | Granted: € 5000
Healthcare an in-service interprofessional online training in clinical case study discussions
Starostina,: The sky above the city 2024-0059 | Switzerland | Granted: € 1000
Project earmarked donation for the eyurythmy performance 'The sky above the city'
VU-Orkest: Zomerproject VU-Orkest 2024: Muzikaal Verzet 2024-0052 | Nederland en Duitsland | Granted: € 1000
Project Summer concerts of the student orchestra. Theme: 'Musical Resistance'
Mayri NGO: een professionele training spraaktherapie 2024-0047 | Armenia | Granted: € 2200
Healthcare a professional training in speech therapy for the co-workers of the Mayri Curative Centre in Armenia
Stichting Walk of Grief: Walk of Grief 2024-0045 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Society a healing project for mourners on the isle of Terschelling
Stichting RADIUS CCA: Van raster naar Vector: Nederland Winstlandschap? 2024-0041 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Project a group exhibition in the Radius Ecological Art Centre in Delft
Dijk, T. van: Project Mens 2024-0036 | Nederland | Granted: € 1500
Society the organization of three weekends with lectures, discussion and art around the theme 'Becoming Human'.
Vereniging voor Vrije Opvoedkunst: Digitalisering Vrije Opvoedkunst 2024-0035 | Nederland | Granted: € 7000
Pedagogy earmarked donation for the digitizing of 30 volumes of the magazine Vrije Opvoedkunst (The Art of Free Education)
Goetheanum Youth Section: Activiteiten van de Goetheanum Jeugdsectie 2024-0034 | Multi | Granted: € 47000
Youth the organization of Programs, events and collaborations with anthroposophic youth around the world
World Social Initiative Forum: WSIF & East Africa Association Anthroposophy Conference 2024 2024-0030 | Kenya | Granted: € 5000
Society Encountering Self and Other in the Spirit of Utu: the WSIF & East Africa Association Anthroposophy Conference 2024
Stichting Bijbels Museum: No time to despair 2024-0029 | Nederland | Granted: € 3000
Project An art exhibition about a hopeful future, which isn't visible yet, but might come. Put together by a group of young curators.
Compagnie Nicole & Martin: Sprookjes theater 2024-0027 | NL | Granted: € 3000
Project Performances of the Fairy Tale Theatre in the Netherlands
“Theatre-studio of eurythmy” (SPB): Workshop Russische euritmie 2024-0024 | Swizerland | Granted: € 4000
Project the organization of a workshop in Russian eurythmy in Dornach , april 2024
Musicians Without Borders: Welcome Notes Nederland 2024-0023 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Project earmarked donation for he music bus tour; a project to support people in Refugee Centres in the Netherlands
De Tovertuin: De Tovertuin 2024-0020 | Nederland | Granted: € 11000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding earmarked donation for the realization of a Community Food Garden and learning centre
Stichting Vreedzaam: Vreedzaam-Duurzaam-Groeizaam-Doen 2024 2024-0019 | Nederland | Granted: € 100000
Society Earmarked donation for the development of the organization
Hartkamp-Bakker, C.A. Dr.: The effect of Sudbury model schools on the life of its former students 2024-0010 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Science a PhD research project
Stichting Arcato: 25 jarig jubileum Stichting Arcato 2024-0009 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project concerts to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Arcato Foundation for young musicians
mediaprojecten: Film & filosofie: I am 2024-0004 | Nederland | Granted: € 3250
Museum of Humanity: De reis van droom naar werkelijkheid 2023-0347 | Nederland | Granted: € 60000
Society Earmarked donation for the development of the Museum of Humanity in Zaandam
Hogeschool Leiden, lectoraat Antroposofische Gezondheidszorg: De beeldvormende bespreking 2023-0345 | Nederland | Granted: € 7500
Healthcare research project of the anthroposophical health care department at the Hogeschool Leiden
Association of Waldorf Schools in Russia: Vrijeschool Leraren in Rusland 2023-0341 | Russia, Irkutsk | Granted: € 3000
Pedagogy The organization of the annual conference for Waldorf Teachers in Russia
Louis Bolk Instituut: Met BD elan de toekomst in 2023-0338 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding
The Periodic Seminar in Russia: Periodic Seminar for teachers Russian Waldorfschools 2023-0337 | Russia | Granted: € 5000
Pedagogy The purpose of NOU "The Periodic Seminar" is to realize and further the aims (ideals) of Waldorf Pedagogy in Russia.
Euritmieschool Pyrola: De Notenkraker 2023-0328 | NL | Granted: € 1000
Youth Society Parzival (NNLP): Youth education in Matsevani village 2023-0327 | Georgia | Granted: € 5000
Youth Establishing strong and sustainable ground for maintaining youth education and their development in a rural area of Georgia.
Stichting de Gelukszoekers / Rederij Lampedusa: Nieuwe verhalen voor de stad 2023-0326 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Society New Stories for the City; the transition of this social enterprise for refugees into an artistic organization.
Stichting Museum Catharijneconvent: De Schepping van de Wetenschap 2023-0325 | Nederland | Granted: € 3000
Project the exhibition 'The Creation of Science in the Catharijne convent Museum in Utrecht.
De Broedplaats vof: Kampvuur 2024 2023-0324 | Nederland | Granted: € 720
Healthcare earmarked donation for the organization of a yearly event to enhance the interest for Psychosynthesis
Grond Verbond: Grond Verbond | Nieuwe Nederlanders regenereren het nieuwe Nederlandse landschap 2023-0318 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding A new way of considering the food chain in order to establish a healthy use of the Dutch landscape
SWI: Hospitations and practice of students in Waldorf institutions 2023-0314 | Croatia | Granted: € 3615
Pedagogy Support for a young Waldorf training Insitute in Croatia; the organization of the training of young Waldorf professionals
Centre for Creative Education: The Early Childhood Development Training 2023-0311 | South Africa | Granted: € 10000
Pedagogy Training of ECD/Kindergarten carer teachers in South Africa
Biosphere Solar BV: Biosphere Solar 2023-0309 | Netherlands | Granted: € 5600
Economie Earmarked donation fo the Start-up company Biosphere Solar
Natuurlijke Geboortezorg: Website voor (aanstaande) ouders 2023-0302 | Nederland | Granted: € 3000
Healthcare video instruction films for a new website natural birth care, with information for young (coming) parents
Muziekvereniging Concordia: Carmina Burana 2023-0300 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project performances of the Carmina Burana in a community music project
Thinking Forest Foundation: Raising My Voice - Thankful, Hopeful, Angry, and Sad (werktitel) 2023-0299 | Nederland | Granted: € 3500
Project 'Raising My Voice - Thankful, Hopeful, Angry, and Sad' an open air art performance
Stichting Nederlands Jeugd Strijkorkest: Tsjechische Sprookjes 2023-0295 | Nederland | Granted: € 2000
Project a program around Czech Fairytales performed by young musicians.
Kam SITA: De kunstzinnige emancipatie van de (toekomstige) leraar 2023-0294 | Nederland/Schotland | Granted: € 10000
Science a phd research project 'The artistic emancipation of the (future) teacher
Via Libra: Nieuwe impuls voor antroposofische bibliotheek in Antwerpen 2023-0291 | België | Granted: € 5000
Society new furniture for the Anthroposophical Library in Antwerp, Begium
Goetheanum Youth Section: Jongerenwerk Goetheanum 2023-0290 | international | Granted: € 37000
Youth General support for the Goetheanum Youth Section
Stichting Jonge Strijkers en Blazers: Dance the Music 2023-0288 | Nederland | Granted: € 2000
Project Dancer the Music, a program for young musicians, learning to play in an ensemble.
Bruggemans, C: Balladenmiddag 2023-0287 | Nederland | Granted: € 345
Project the organization of a recitation afternoon with German ballads in Zeist
Beelden op de Berg: Heksenkruid / decolonising botany 2023-0284 | Nederland | Granted: € 6000
Project Witch Herb/Decolonising Beauty, an art work by Su Melo for the 2024 exhibition in the Belmonte Arboretum in Wageningen
Stichting Kijken KUnstenaars Anders: PaltzBiënnale 2023-0282 | Netherlands | Granted: € 5000
Project The PaltzBiënnale 2024. 8 artists have been asked to create a temporary sustainable work aroung the theme: 'The space you take up'
Duindoorn Thuiszorg CV: DuindoornZorgt 2023-0279 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Healthcare earmarked donation for the realization of a plaform Anthroposophical Care in The Hague
Bondars, Z: If you do it well, I will do it better 2023-0276 | The Netherlands | Granted: € 2000
Project a community art project; creating a ceramic tile wall in the kitchen of the Pennywalfelhuis as a symbol of cultural exchange, craftmanship and care
Modderkolk, W: Architectonische ruimte van onderwijs: over versterking van het intentioneel handelen 2023-0275 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Science second year of a PhD research on subjectivising intentional pedagogical-didactic action (valuable leadership).
Centre for Creative Education: Kairos Eurythmy Training 2023-0269 | South Africa | Granted: € 10000
Pedagogy the education of accredited Eurythmists (Bachelor of Arts) for the Waldorf movement in Africa
ORO wolkorrel: ORO wolkorrel 2023-0263 | Nederland | Granted: € 7500
Landbouw, natuur & voeding a scientific analysis of an experimental organic fertilizer made of sheep wool.
Stiching USKO: Hope and Glory: Britse muziek door de eeuwen heen 2023-0260 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project the student choir and orchestra perform two 'Hope and Glory' concerts in Utrecht and Amersfoort
Brinkman, A.M.: Gedenkstonde 2023-0259 | Nederland | Granted: € 600
Project a commemorative eurythmy ritual for the deceased
NVET: Werving Studenten 2023-0256 | Nederland | Granted: € 4000
Healthcare Publicity materials that will be used to make young students attentive to the eurythmy therapy training and professional possibilities
Khazieva,: Pedagogical eurythmy course in Moscow 2023/24 2023-0255 | Russia | Granted: € 1000
Pedagogy the organization of the final year of the 3-year advanced training course for eurythmy teachers
Entheos: Entheos: biodynamic farm 2023-0246 | Spanje | Granted: € 8200
Landbouw, natuur & voeding biodynamic training courses for young farmers in Spain.
Stichting Wij Zijn De Regeneratie: 4 Seizoenen Regeneratie 2023-0239 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Youth 4 seasons Regeneration; a year program to enable young people to learn about practising regeneration in their own surroundings
Stichting MOC Huis aan het Water: Symposium “in het hart van waar het omgaat” 2023-0238 | Nederland | Granted: € 1500
Healthcare earmarkede donation fo a conference about future care for cancer patients; dilemma's and solutions
QHarmony: Ludiek Concert 2023-0236 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project A concert with a playful theme, performed by the Nijmegen Student Orchestra QHarmony
Stichting Nederlands Studenten Kamerkoor: Tot de Zon opkomt 2023-0230 | Nederland | Granted: € 750
Project 'Until the sun rises', a series of concerts performed by th Netherlands Student Chamber Choir
Corriënte Ensemble: voorbij de stille grond 2023-0227 | nl | Granted: € 1530
Project Beyond the silent ground; an eurythmy project in commemoration for the deceased.
Kipp, S: Vrijeschool Lerarenweek 2023-0224 | | Granted: € 515
Pedagogy Participation costs for two teachers of the Oosterwold school in the Waldorf School Training Week in the Netherlands
Stichting Nest Foundation: Cycle, Portal, Path 2023-0223 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Project The art exhibition Cycle, Portal, Path; considering the social importance of the work of Hilma af Klint
TAPP Coalitie (True Animal Protein Price): Eerlijke prijzen vlees/zuivel op de agenda van NL, EU en de VN 2023-0222 | Nederland | Granted: € 8000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding A lobby for True Pricing of meat and dairy during elections in the Netherlands; the EU an during the UN Climate Conference
Wijdekop: Vertaling Faith Voices for Ecocide Law 2023-0221 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Society The Dutch translation of the book 'Faith Voices for Ecocide Law'
Acte studio: SPOLIA 2023-0220 | France | Granted: € 5000
Project Celebrating reuse and craft in architecture
Stichting Nieuw Wij: 2023-0216 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Society an online dialogue platform to bring people together and prevent polarization in society
Asociacia Culturala Didascalia: Happy Tales Trasylvania 2023-0214 | Romania | Granted: € 1000
Project an eurythmy project for children of the Roma community in Transsylvania
puntCO: Wish I Were Here 2023-0211 | Nederland | Granted: € 3750
Project a community storytelling project that uses theatre to tackle social housing problems and the effect on people
Hoogland, Mats: Muts en Sjaal 2023-0209 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project Hat and Shawl is a short performance for children about loneliness and finding solutions
Hurk: It is part LIII of an ensemble and this ensemble is no longer necessarily ceremonial 2023-0208 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Project the development of a theatre/art perfomance at Club Solo in Eindhoven
Verein zur Förderung der Eurythmie e. V.: ABSR23 Stress Release Research Project 2023-0207 | Online | Granted: € 3250
Science a scietific research project on stress reduction according to the directions of Rudolf Steiner
Siena centrum voor kunstzinnige therapie: Kinderen In Contact met Kunst’ (KICK) 2023-0203 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Healthcare the project Children in Contact with Art'; a training in social abilities by means of art
Impact Makers: Impact Makers als organisatie 2023-0199 | Nederland | Granted: € 20000
Project An earmarked donation for the general development of the Impact makers project; social change by means of story telling
Creating Edges / Project Bloei & Groei: Bloei & Groei Maakplaats 2023-0198 | Nederland | Granted: € 20000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding Earmarked donation for the development of Florish and Grow; a workspace where women produce natural artisanal products from herbs, flowers and plants
Stichting Dutch Eurythmy Dance Ensemble: Dutch Eurythmy Dance Ensemble 2023-0193 | Nederland | Granted: € 40000
Project general support for the third year of DEDAE; the Dutch Eurytmy Dance Ensemble
Crafts Council Nederland: De Borduurschool 2023-0192 | Nederland | Granted: € 20000
Project Earmarked donation for the Embroidery School; the developent of an 'eco system' for the art of embroidery worldwide as an intangible heritage
Fondation de L'Aubier: Oser l'indépendance! 2023-0191 | Switzerland | Granted: € 5000
Youth A training in self-reliance for young people interested in the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner
Het Wilde Oog Stichting: Duurzame Diva's in Eemland 2023-0184 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Project A (photography) project to bring Dutch heritage/traditional costume wearers and contemporary society together in seemingly alienating situations
Stichting RADIUS CCA: Junghun Kim | Arising Evolutionary Compassion 2023-0181 | The Netherlands | Granted: € 5000
Project an exhibition of the South Korean artist Junghun Kim: Arising Evolutionary Compassion
Siena centrum voor kunstzinnige therapie: Open Atelier 2023-0180 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Healthcare Open Atelier; art therapy for elderly people who need support, but are on the waiting list for an official indication
Consortium Versnellingsagenda Opschaling duurzame agrarische productie: Doetie's Geiten 2023-0179 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding support for a goat rearing project, developing into a sustainable, small-scale agricultural business model
Association for People in Need of Special Care: A Step Inside Society 2023-0175 | Georgia | Granted: € 10000
Healthcare To empower inclusive environment and give support to adults and children in need with the involvement of young social-therapists in APNSC workshops
International Youth Initiative Program (YIP): YIP 2023-2024 2023-0174 | Sweden | Granted: € 10000
Youth A 10 month residential training for young people exploring their initiative and how to become societal entrepreneurs.
Hogeschool Leiden, lectoraat Antroposofische Gezondheidszorg: Basisfinanciering Lectoraat Antroposofische Gezondheidszorg 2023-0173 | Nederland | Granted: € 7500
Healthcare basic financing for the research of the anthroposophical health care department
An Sich: Programmareeks Felix & Sofie 2023-0171 | Nederland | Granted: € 1500
Project The known and unknown other. A philosphical program series about how humans to can understand life together with other beings and nature.
Steiner Online Library: US-Based Rudolf Steiner Archive Development 2023-0170 | USA with global reach | Granted: € 3000
Society Identification and addition of Missing Content to the online Rudolf Steiner Library
Vereniging voor Vrije Opvoedkunst: Landelijke Vereniging voor Vrije Opvoedkunst Themadag 2023 2023-0168 | Nederland | Granted: € 1500
Pedagogy the participation of young parents and teachers in the Association for Free Education theme day 2023.
The Creative Education Foundation Zanzibar on behalf of All Africa Anthrophic Training: AAAT Zanzibar 2023 2023-0164 | Tanzania | Granted: € 5000
Society A 7 Day Intensive All Africa Anthroposophic Training, held in Africa, to enable the participants to learn and to share
Bogaers, I.E.W.M.: Stilte in de klas 2023-0160 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Science the doctoral research project 'Silence in the Class room'; how can silence offer didactical support and support interaction.
Oost Gelders Jeugd Orkest: Connect! 2023-0159 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project Production and performances of the youth orchestra together wih young muscians with a variety of cultural backgrounds, ao. refugees
Vereniging voor Biologisch Dynamische Landbouw en Voeding: Onderzoek Biodynamische Methode 2023-0151 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding a research project concerning BD agricultural techniques in order to establish a change in the agricultual landscape of the Netherlands
Schuller, G: De Tuin is een proces– Geuzenhof 1, een tuin van Mien Ruys 2023-0150 | Nederland | Granted: € 3000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding research concerning the social garden Geuzenhof 1 in Amsterdam, a project of the wellk known Dutch garden architect Mien Ruys.
Nachtwind: Yggdrasil (werktitel) 2023-0141 | Nederland, Duitsland, België | Granted: € 3000
Project Yggdrasil (working title) a poetical photography project about the bond between mankind and trees
Stichting Website 2023-0136 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Pedagogy Creating a website for educators, with examples for creative activities for young children
Stichting Lab Toekomstige Generaties: Toekomstdenkers voor de mooist mogelijke Toekomst 2023-0135 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Society A campaign design for the 'Laboratory for Future Generations'
Stichting NINA+: Fertility 2023-0133 | Nederland | Granted: € 4000
Society a cross over art/science project to improve patient care
Miralda Tena: Radicale Symbiose; en sociaal leven met microben 2023-0131 | The Netherlands | Granted: € 5075
Project An art exhibition about health and community relationships related to the microbial world and the biography of scientist Antoni van Leeuwenhoek.
Bagdonaviciute: Litouwse euritmie voorstellingen in Den Haag 2023-0126 | Nederland | Granted: € 1600
Project Performances of Lithuanian eurythmists in the Netherlands
Eigendom Anders: Eigendom Anders Festival 2023 2023-0124 | Nederland | Granted: € 1700
Economie the opening performance of the 'New Ownership Festival' 2023
Nederlands Strijkersgilde: Licht in de verte 2023-0120 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project Light in the distance; a project of this student orchestra that performs music of the 20th and 21st centuries
Stichting Zaadgoed: Stuurgroep Zaadvaste Rassen 2023-0118 | Nederland | Granted: € 500
Landbouw, natuur & voeding the organization of a seminar about seed-stable plant varieties
Rudolf Steiner School Mbagathi Nairobi: Bibliotheekboeken en schoolmateriaal 2023-0116 | Kenya | Granted: € 5000
Pedagogy The purchase of library books and school materials for the Waldrof School Mbagathi in Nariobi
Stichting Woonzorg Flevoland: Houten sculptuur 2023-0113 | Nederland | Granted: € 800
Society the purchase of a wooden sculpture that can be experiences by the visitors and clients of a welfare organization
Studio Esmee Geerken: De gatendragers / The Holebearers 2023-0110 | Nederland | Granted: € 4000
Project The holebearers; an architectural workhop in the Amsterdam Science Park. A search for harmony between building and a sustainable eco-system
Stichting Delftsche Opera Compagnie: Lustrum project Krashna Musika 2023-0109 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project a series of concert to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the Delft Student Orchestra
stART international e.V. emergency aid for children: Traumatherapie in Turkije en Syrië 2023-0108 | Turkey, Northern Syria | Granted: € 4000
Society artistic-waldorfeducational-traumatherapeutic support for children and families who were victim of the eaarthquake in Turkey/Syria
Stichting Transformers Community: Brain Boost Programma 2.0 2023-0107 | Nederland | Granted: € 4000
Youth A holistic program concerning mental health issues of young people, with a focus on prevention
Verlaan: Intuitief Luisteren 2023-0101 | Nederland | Granted: € 5100
Project Intuitive listening, an art installation about what is absent
CREA Orkest: CREA danst door 2023-0099 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project the Crea student orchestra celebrates her 7th Lustrum with a combination of music, dance and education for youg people.
Stichting Erfgoed Oud Poelgeest: Midzomernacht op Oud Poelgeest 2023-0098 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project a Midsummernight concert at Castle Oud Poelgeest
Delden: World Teachers' Conference 2023 2023-0097 | Zwitserland | Granted: € 400
Pedagogy participation costs for a teacher from the Waldorfschool Amsterdam in the World Teachers' Conference 2023 at the Goetheanum
Art of Caring: The Art of Caring 2023-0095 | Nederland | Granted: € 3000
Youth A summer school with workshops, researching the possibilities to enhance and improve health care with various art forms
Boeuf Majeur: Boeuf Hedonia 2023-0094 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project a music performace to celebrate the good life and the world through our five senses
Stichting Boilerhouse: Hold Your Ground - Zomersneeuw 2023-0090 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Project A performance on location; combining eurythmy, dance, language, drama and music
Petrarca: Tecer a Vida - Weaving our Life 2023-0088 | Portugal | Granted: € 4000
Healthcare a project to strengthen the ASTA curative pedagogical community in Portugal
Living Landscapes: Solliciteren bij de Noordzee 2023-0086 | Nederland, UK, IJsland | Granted: € 4200
Society Apply for a job at the North Sea; a social art-language project on how to become a speaker for all life in the sea
Stichting Philomela: Jonge Zwaluwen 2023-0075 | Nederland | Granted: € 25842
Society education for refugee children, combining music, language proficiency and trauma processing
Stichting COME: Seminar 2023 2023-0074 | Cyprus | Granted: € 2500
Society a meeting on neutral ground for young Palestinan en Israeli; trying to breach the 'enemy thinking'
Euritmieschool Pyrola: Euritmieschool Pyrola 2023-0073 | Nederland Den Haag | Granted: € 2370
Project a summer performance of the Pyrola eurythmy school for young childeren in The Hague
Utrechtsch Studenten Concert: Binnenlandse Tournee '23 2023-0070 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project a tour through the Netherlands to celebrate the 200th anniversary of this Student Symphony Orchestra from Utrecht
Biosphere Solar BV: Compromisloos in de nieuwe economie ondernemen 2023-0066 | Nederland | Granted: € 3027
Economie support for the organization of the start-up Biospere Solar by means of the Economy Transformers method
Schuurman Hess: HELP 2023-0064 | Nederland | Granted: € 2844
Project An interactive theatre/storytelling performance that considers the dynamics of whether or not to help in today's society
De Groene Vallei: Bloesemremedies als aanvulling op het Koehoornmestpreparaat 2023-0058 | Nederland | Granted: € 4000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding Part two of a research project concerning blossom remedies in addition to cow horn manure preparations
Breijaen: The Mallow garden 2023-0057 | NL /amsterdam | Granted: € 5000
Pedagogy the start of a parent-children play group for the very young (0-4) in Amsterdam
Green Dream (i.o.): Green Dream Permacultuur Festival 2023-0056 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Landbouw, natuur & voeding A perma culture festival; feeding the knowledge of the visitors about a biodiverse and biologically sound future
Burger: Hout en Staal: Volten X Burger 2023-0054 | Nederland | Granted: € 1750
Project the art exhibition Wood and Steel; Volten X Burger; new sculptures made of wood from the city of Amsterdam
Nederlanse Vereniging van Euritmisten: deelname IPEu 2023-0051 | de bijeenkomsten vinden plaats in Duitsland en Zwitserlend. De uitvoering met name in Nederland | Granted: € 800
Project participation in the international pedagogical eurythy meetings
Utrechtse Studenten Bigband: Big Project 2023 2023-0048 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project a jazz Big Band project for students in Utrecht
Voortman: het Hart van Venus 2023-0027 | nederland | Granted: € 3000
Project The Heart of Venus; an art exhibition in a former sheep barn on the isle ofTexel, the Netherlands
Kowalewska: Memento mori, memento vivere 2023-0024 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project rehearsals/workshops and a biographical, interactive musical performance.
Heiden: Doctoraal onderzoek naar visuele nabeelden 2023-0022 | België/Duitsland | Granted: € 450
Science scientific study about visual after images; the purchase of materials
Musicians Without Borders: Music Bus NL 2023-0018 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Society The music bus tour; a project to support people in Refugee Centres in the Netherlands
Plaats de Wereld: Samen Gezond, koken en eten 2023-0016 | Nederland | Granted: € 2000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding a program about food and health for vulnerable people.
Louis Bolk Instituut: Zorgzame buurt met Positieve Gezondheid en Leefomgeving 2023-0010 | Nederland | Granted: € 33000
Healthcare Research project on optimizing living environment of neighborhoods
Compagnie Nicole & Martin: Sprookjestheater 2023-0009 | Holland | Granted: € 3000
Project Fairytale Theatre; performances for children and their parents in 4 Waldorf schools in the Netherlands
The Periodic Seminar in Russia: Periodic Seminar for teachers of Russian Waldorfschools 2023-0005 | Russia | Granted: € 5000
Pedagogy To realize and further the aims of Waldorf Pedagogy in Russia
Internationaal Poppentheater Festival: Int. Micro Festival 2023-0002 | Nederland | Granted: € 2800
Project The organization of an International puppetry festival in the dity of Dordrecht
Stichting Bright Meadow: Opleiding vrijeschoolleerkracht voor Zanzibar Steiner School (basisschool) #4 2022-0330 | Tanzania/Kenia | Granted: € 236
Pedagogy training for teachers from the waldorf school in Zanzibar
Franshike e.V.: Frans Hike 2022-0329 | Deutschland | Granted: € 7500
Society two intercultural hikes (5 day each) that bring together a diverse group of 170 people (refugees and hosting communities)
Stichting Vreedzaam: Vreedzaam Versterken; naar een groeizame en duurzame vreedzame beweging (2023-2025) 2022-0328 | Nederland | Granted: € 100000
Economie Towards a growing and sustainable peaceful movement (2023-2025)
Stichting Organisatie Europarc Conferentie 2021/2023: Jongeren inclusief 2022-0327 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Youth the participation of young people in the International Europarc Conference 2023
Aeres MBO Dronten Warmonderhof: eindreis Dornach klas 4 2022-0324 | Duitsland - Zwitserland | Granted: € 2000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding student participation in the Agricultural conference 2023 in Dornach, Switzerland
Talent op Podium Orkest: Jonge solisten met initiatief 2022-0323 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project Concerts to offer young talents a solo chance
Economy Transformers Academy: Regionale Workshops Vrij Gelijk Samenleven 2022-0322 | Nederland | Granted: € 4000
Economie Regional workshops 'equal coexistence'
Lutters, FR: Regeneratie of degeneratie? Over het lot van de mens in het Antropoceen. 2022-0317 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Science a Phd resarch project at the VU Amsterdam: 'Regeneration of Degeneration? About the fate of mankind in the Anthropocene'
Hartkamp-Bakker, C.A. Dr.: Onderzoek 'The effect of Sudbury model schools on the life of its former students' 2022-0314 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Science Research 'The effect of Sudbury model schools on the life of its former students'
Stichting DIIF: DIIF 2022-0312 | | Granted: € 25000
Economie DIIF
Studievereniging Hucbald: Herdenkingsconcert 2023 2022-0310 | Nederland | Granted: € 500
Project a commemoration concert on May the 4th with special attention for the victims of the war in Ukraine
D.S.J.V. Groover: Just Jazz 2023 2022-0309 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project the Just Jazz Festival 2023 in Delft, organized by the student Jazz association 'Groover'.
Stichting Klaterklanken: Klaterklanken 2022-0308 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project an outdoor classical music festival on four estates in the Netherlands
UNO-Foundation: Krui-tocht poezie bundel Jan Kleefstra 2022-0305 | Nederland | Granted: € 7500
Project The design and printing of a book
UNO-Foundation: Veerhuis 2022-0304 | de wereld | Granted: € 17500
Society Realizing plans of the Veerhuis
theater van de verkeerde beslissing: Kunst Zomerkamp Climate Change 2022-0302 | Gaza / Palestina | Granted: € 3200
Society the Arts Climate Change Summer Camp 2023 in Gaza, Palestine
Kingfisher Foundation/Bolk's Companions: Bolk's Companions 2022-0298 | Nederland | Granted: € 15000
Science Phenomenological research in health care
Stichting vrijeschool onderwijs Amerongen: Het buitenlokaal 2022-0297 | Nederland | Granted: € 7000
Pedagogy the realization of an outdoor classroom for the Waldorfschool Amerongen
Kamerkoor NEXT: Silence 2022-0296 | Nederland | Granted: € 900
Project an a-capella choir project; 4 performances.
De Tovertuin: Tovervloed 2022-0295 | Nederland | Granted: € 13200
Landbouw, natuur & voeding extension of the garden
Euregio Brassband: Shaffy & Brass 2023 2022-0292 | Nederland | Granted: € 500
Project the brass band music project Shaffy & Brass 2023
Centre for Creative Education: Kairos Eurythmy Training 2022-0289 | South Africa | Granted: € 10000
Pedagogy an ongoing course to train accredited Eurythmists (Bachelor of Arts) for the Waldorf movement in Africa
Thijs: het Plantiarchaat 2022-0285 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Project an art exhibition and educational project in which the world is seen from the viewpoint of plants instead of human beings
Stichting Impact Economy Foundation: 2100 2022-0284 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Economie 2100 is a movement of young people willing to build a new economy. The project concerns an educational program
Stichting Warmonderhof: Avondklassen op Warmonderhof 2022-0282 | Nederland | Granted: € 1500
Landbouw, natuur & voeding evening classes the Warmonderhof; inspiriation for a wider public interested in Bd agriculture
World Goetheanum Association: Uitbreiding World Goetheanum Association 2022-0280 | Switzerland | Granted: € 10000
Society Development work in the next 3 years
VU-Orkest: Winterproject 2022-2023, Mahler 2 ''Auferstehung'' 2022-0276 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project Winter concerts of the VU Student Orchestra 2022-2023: Mahler's second symphony 'Auferstehung'
Haarlems Studenten Koor: Persephone, Godin en Patiënt 2022-0275 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project the Haarlem Student Choir project 'Persephone, Goddess and Patient'
Stichting Nederlands Studenten Jazz Orkest: NSJO 2023: ShowTime (10 years NSJO)! 2022-0274 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project 'Show Time' , a two weeks tour to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Netherlands Student Jazz Orchestra
Modderkolk, W: Waarde(n)vol Leiderschap 2022-0267 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Science a PhD research on subjectivising intentional pedagogical-didactic action (valuable leadership).
Stichting Museumpark Orientalis: Feest van Licht 2022-0265 | Nederland | Granted: € 3000
Project Museum Orientalis celebrates the feast of light from the viewpoint of various religieus perspectives
VOF Veld en Beek: Herintroductie Paardentractie 2022-0261 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding the introduction of horse traction, first at the BD farm Veld en Beek, later other farms will be included
Wena Foundation: De Waldorf Kindergarten Rose Garden in Krakau 2022-0255 | Poland | Granted: € 5000
Pedagogy furnishing costs for the New Waldorf Kindergarten Rose Garden in Crakow
GSMG Bragi: Bragi in Vuur en Vlam 2022-0253 | Nederland | Granted: € 500
Project Two Valentines Day theme concerts of the Groningen Student Orchestra Bragi
Buijs: Education as a foundation for living the question in dialogue with the world 2022-0249 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Science fourth year of the PHD research project 'Education as a foundation for living the question in dialogue with the world'
Stichting Het Klassiek Collectief Muziekprojecten: Beethoven & Brahms 2022-0248 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project the autumn program Beethoven & Brahms of this student Orchestra based in Amsterdam
Boeuf Majeur: Een Requiem voor jezelf 2022-0242 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project An innovative performance of Brahms' German Requiem in the Vredeskerk in Amsterdam
Gist: Het lichaam als leermeester 2022-0241 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Project The Body as Master; researching and giving practical space to the role of the human body in Christian spirituality
Centre for Creative Education: The Early Childhood Development Training 2022-0240 | South Africa | Granted: € 10000
Pedagogy Training of the Early Childhood Development/Kindergarten carer teachers
Stichting Ensemble Illustre: Het verhaal gaat (werktitel) 2022-0237 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project 'As the story goes' a concert program in which the oratorium throughout the ages is put centre stage
Lemniscate Foundation: Ita Wegman Opleidingscentrum 2022-0236 | Rusland, Armenie | Granted: € 3500
Healthcare general support for the school year 2022 of the eduation centre for curative- and social therapy in Russia
Stichting Practicum Musicae Orkest: Vergeten Vrouwen 2022-0235 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project The concert series 'Forgotten Women'; special attention for female composers throughout the ages
Khazieva,: Pedagogische euritmie cursus in Moskou 2022/23 2022-0233 | Russia | Granted: € 1500
Pedagogy Pedagogical eurythmy course in Moscow 2022/23
Stichting Jonge Strijkers en Blazers: Jonge Helden 2022-0232 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Project Young Heroes; young storytellers and musicians perform in a program with work of young composers
CREA THERA INTERNATIONAL: I See You 2022-0231 | LIBANON | Granted: € 1000
Society I see you, a music project with children in refugee camps in Lebanon
Raphaëlstichting: Methodiekontwikkeling Biografisch Werken in de zorg 2022-0230 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Healthcare The development of a method to use biographical work in the daily care practise
ISKRA Waldorf Initiative (a non-governmental organisation): Eurythmy in the Waldorf Community in Osijek 2022-0227 | Croatia | Granted: € 2730
Pedagogy temporary support to enable the eurythmy classes at the school
Stichting De Mussen Toevlucht: Huismustillen bouwen 2022-0224 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding the building of two sparrow cotes (the foundation is concerned with the conservation of the species)
International Youth Initiative Program (YIP): YIP15 2022-2023 2022-0221 | Sweden | Granted: € 10000
Youth The 15th YIP year; an anthroposophically inspired societal entrepreneur training
Sentler, M: Gallery 3 By Deep Time Agency 2022-0214 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Project the first solo exhibition of the Deep Time Agency around the theme 'Belonging in a post industrial era'
Stichting Afrogrooves: Afrogrooves en Moving Arts in Amsterdam Oost 2022-0213 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project Afrogrooves brings live music to the municipality of Amsterdam-East
Kasuku Organics and Community Development Project: All Africa Anthroposophic Training Uganda (AAAT 2022) 2022-0212 | Uganda | Granted: € 5000
Society during a week people from all over the African continent come together to gain knowledge about (practical) anthroposophy
Sahabi, S: Kalokagathia 2022-0211 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Project the art project Kalogathia
Mumm, C E: What My Hands Know 2022-0210 | Netherlands | Granted: € 5000
Project a contemporary art exhibition and public program with workshops in Arti et Amicitiae in Amsterdam
Stichting Dutch Eurythmy Dance Ensemble: Dutch Eurythmy Dance Ensemble 2022-0206 | Nederland | Granted: € 40000
Project general support for the second year of DEDAE; the Dutch Eurytmy Dance Ensemble
Stichting Bijbels Museum: Eva, Hanna en Sara 2022-0204 | Nederland | Granted: € 2000
Project a photo exhibition in public places giving Biblical women a contemporary face
Academie Antroposofische Gezondheidszorg (AAG): Ondersteuning AAG 2022-0202 | Nederland (communicatie en pr ook t.b.v. Belgie) | Granted: € 8000
Healthcare support for innovative projects of the Dutch Academy for Anthroposophical Health Care
Stichting COME: Dialoogseminar 2022 2022-0198 | Cyprus | Granted: € 2500
Society the organization of a 10 days dialogue seminar (neutral territory) for 30 young Palestinians and Israeli
Tulkens, M.V.H: Deelname Vrijeschool lerarenweek 2022-0195 | | Granted: € 400
Vereniging voor Vrije Opvoedkunst: Landelijke VOK-Themadag 2022 2022-0179 | Nederland | Granted: € 1500
Pedagogy a nation wide theme day for parents and teachers of Dutch Waldorf schools
Planje, N.J.: Deelname aan de Vrijeschol lerarenweek 2022-0178 | | Granted: € 400
Quo Vadis Eurythmie Impresariat: Triptychon 2022-0173 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Brinkman, A.M.: Gedenkstonde 2022 2022-0172 | Nederland | Granted: € 1499
Project Commemorative eurythmy performances for the deceased
Hogeschool Leiden: OnderwijsBuiten - De aarde is jouw klaslokaal 2022-0169 | Nederland | Granted: € 9000
Pedagogy the Minor and research project 'Education Outside - the Earh is your classroom'. A project for pedagogy students and their educators
Steiner Online Library: Rudolf Steiner Archive Development 2022-0168 | USA with global reach | Granted: € 5000
Society Further technical and content development of a website with English translations of the work of Rudolf Steiner
Hart van Veen: Mostijd 2022-0167 | Nederland | Granted: € 3500
Project an experimental art project; discovering the world of mosses on the cutting edge of visual art; music and theatre
Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners: Social therapy Khedeli 2022-0164 | Georgië | Granted: € 15000
Healthcare emergency aid for the Curative Therapy Centre Khedeli in Georgia
De Seizoenarbeiders: Wiedcamping 2022-0162 | Nederland | Granted: € 3000
Stichting Moestuin de Haar: Project Lering en Vermaak Moestuin de Haar 2022-0161 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Landbouw, natuur & voeding support for the historical kitchen garden of Castle De Haar, which also serves a a community garden
Stichting Bright Meadow: Opleiding vrijeschoolleerkracht voor Zanzibar Steiner School 2022-0160 | Tanzania/Kenia | Granted: € 506
Pedagogy further education for two teachers of the Zanzibar Bright Meadow School
De Groene Vallei: Meerdere Bloesemremedies als aanvulling van het Koehoornmestpreparaat 2022-0155 | Nederland | Granted: € 4000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding research concerning various blossom remedies in addition to cow horn dung preparations
Antroposofische Vereniging in Nederland (AViN): Michaëldagen 2022 2022-0146 | Nederland | Granted: € 4000
Society the four days celebration of the Michaël Days 2022
Appenrodt-Patijn: Uriel -Imaginatie 2022-0144 | Nederland | Granted: € 500
Project the eurythmy performance Uriel-Imagination.
Corriënte Ensemble: Corriente Ensemble 2022-0141 | Nederland | Granted: € 2996
Project commemorative eurythmy performance for the deceased, mainly for members of the Anthroposophical Society in the Netherlands
Musicians Without Borders: Music Bus NL 2022-0139 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Society Welcome Notes; inclusive music workshops for refugees in the Netherlands
Stichting Lab Toekomstige Generaties: Zet je in voor Toekomstige Generaties 2022-0137 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Youth a learning project which will be part of the Youth program Future Generations
Fundacja Myslec Sercem: Zomercursus Waldorf Pedagogie 2022-0134 | Poland | Granted: € 2500
Pedagogy Summer course for future teachers attending the part time course at the University of Warsaw
Monobanda PLAY: Spiegelstem 2022-0133 | Nederland | Granted: € 8000
Youth Mirror Voice is a space with an interactive light projection. Young people with emotional problems learn to deal with them in a creative way
Lelieveld: Water-Loos over Leven en Dood 2022-0132 | Nederland | Granted: € 2700
Project Water less, about life and death; an eurythmy performance about the earth and mankind
Raphaëlstichting/Breidablick: Atelier Beeldend Breidablick 2022-23 2022-0128 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Healthcare Atelier Breidablick; art lessons for people with a mental disability
Dekoor Close Harmony: Zomertournee Dekoor Close Harmony 2022 2022-0122 | Frankrijk en België | Granted: € 1000
Project A summer tour to Belgium and France
Stichting ter bevordering van vrijeschool onderwijs Amerongen: Nieuwe bovenbouw 2022-0121 | Nederland | Granted: € 3500
Pedagogy support for the development of a Waldorf High School in Amerongen
De Ontzetting: Tournee 2022 Ontzetting 2022-0120 | Duitsland,Oostenrijk,Slowakije | Granted: € 1000
Project the student orchestra tour 2022 through Slovakia, Austria and Germany
D.S.M.G. Krashna Musika: Tournee Frankrijk Krashna Musika 2022-0118 | Nederland en Frankrijk | Granted: € 1000
Project A summer tour to France, with a final concert in the Hague, the Netherlands
De Hofakker: Ontwikkeling van het lerarencollege 2022-0117 | Nederland | Granted: € 600
Pedagogy Development courses for the teachers of the independent Hofakker Waldorf school
General Anthroposophical Society: Conferentie Alma Humana! Contributions to Human Dignity 2022-0116 | Switzerland | Granted: € 5000
Society An international conference for people of Latin and Romance language regions at the Goetheanum
YOUth ACT Stichting: Kunstevenement 'Untold Stories' 2022-0114 | Netherlands | Granted: € 500
Project A one day art event for young artists with refugee, queer, economically disadvantaged and other marginalized backgrounds
Oost Gelders Jeugd Orkest: Thuus Komm'n! 2022-0113 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project Young musicians creating a performance about the he Twente region in the netherlands
Stiching USKO: USKO Tournee Hohe Messe 2022 2022-0111 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project A tour through the Netherland with Bach's Hohe Messe
Werkgroep BD-werkagenda "het juiste moment": BD-werkagenda 2023 'het juiste moment' 2022-0110 | Nederland | Granted: € 3250
Landbouw, natuur & voeding publication of a Biological Dynamical agricultural week calendar in 2023
Eeckhout, L E: Huis Midgaard 2022-0109 | België | Granted: € 1000
Healthcare material costs for a starting day care home for autistic children
Eventeurythmie e.V.: De AiR - Dutch edition Artist inResidence 2022-0104 | Nederland | Granted: € 4000
Project an eurythmy project for young artists, in cooperation with De Roode Bioscoop in Amsterdam
Stichting Ethiek Revolutie: Ethiek Revolutie e-festival II 2022-0103 | Nederland (online) | Granted: € 2500
Society an online festival to inspire people to make ethical choises in their everyday life.
Nederlands Strijkersgilde: Ademloos 2022-0100 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project Breathless; a program with 20th and 21st century music, performed by young amateur musicians
Circles For A Renewal of Culture: Questions of Courage: Hearth 2022-0097 | United States | Granted: € 2000
Youth An annual gathering created by the North American Youth Section (NAYS) to support co-creative learning spaces for young people
Vereniging van deelnemers aan het Studentenkoor Amsterdam: SKA 35 jaar! 2022-0094 | Nederland en Italië | Granted: € 1000
Project Lustrum program of the Student Choir Amsterdam; concerts in Amsterdam en Genoa.
ITC Naarden: het nieuwe goud ,wegen naar de werkelijkheid 2022-0091 | Nederland | Granted: € 3500
Society a symposium about the spiritual side of the demands made by our day and age
Stichting Landzijde: GGZ behandeling op de zorgboerderij 2022-0089 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Healthcare Care Farm Landzijde offers innovativehealth care in co-operation with a general practitioner, a psycho-therapist and a BD Farmer.
Vereniging Vriendenkring SEKEM: Inspirerend Sociaal Ondernemerschap in het Midden-Oosten 2022-0088 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Society Masterclass & Event: inspiring Social Entrepreneurship in the Middle East
Transitie Coalitie Voedsel: Gezonde producten van een gezonde bodem 2022-0087 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding a research project concerning the relation between human health and a healthy soil in co-operation with the Louis Bolk Institute
Stichting Nederlands Studenten Kamerkoor: Doodnormaal 2022-0085 | Nederland | Granted: € 900
Project The Dead Normal concert series of the student chamber choir from Utrecht, third part of the trilogy Birth - Love - Death
Stichting Climate Cleanup: Regeneratie Top 2022-0080 | Nederland | Granted: € 7500
Youth a three days event about social, ecological and economical regeneration
Social Sculpture Lab for New Knowledge and an Eco-Social Future: 7000-HUMANS 2022-0078 | Global [multipliers already in 9 countries] | Granted: € 10000
Society Co-creating a diverse, global field of commitment for working together with key questions of our time, enabling 'connective' initiatives to emerge.
Stichting Bright Meadow: Opleiding vrijeschoolleerkracht voor Zanzibar Steiner School (basisschool) #2 2022-0076 | Zanzibar/Kenia | Granted: € 526
Pedagogy further education for teacher of the Zanzibar Steiner School (teacher training Nairobi April 2022
Vriendenvereniging Waldorf aan de Werf: Interculturele verdieping Waldorf onderwijs 2022-0073 | Nederland | Granted: € 4100
Pedagogy Various projects to deepen the intercultural character of the school
Medical Section at the Goetheanum: International Postgraduate Medical Training (IPMT) 2022 2022-0067 | Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Russia, Thailand, Taiwan, Philippines, China, USA, Colombia and India | Granted: € 12500
Healthcare IPMT 2022; A worldwide continuing education program for doctors, medical students, therapists, nurses, pharmacists and curative educators
Society of Waldorf Education Supporters: Waldorf high school, Rijeka Croatia 2022-0066 | Croatia | Granted: € 10000
Pedagogy start of the Waldorf High School Rijeka, Croatia
Kamerkoor JIP: Voor de bomen en het bos 2022-0065 | Voornamelijk NL, maar ook Duitsland en Frankrijk | Granted: € 1000
United Network of Young Peacebuilders Stichting (UNOYP): Jongeren vredesprojecten in Nigeria en Kameroen. 2022-0063 | Cameroon and Nigeria | Granted: € 4000
Youth The national implementation of the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda in Nigeria and Cameroon.
Ansu, AB: Zonder Zwart Randje 2022-0062 | Nederland | Granted: € 6500
Society 'Without the Black Mourning Edge, an interactive positive theatre talkshow about dealing with the loss of a loved one
World Social Initiative Forum: WSIF LiT Forums 2022-0061 | Switzerland + US + South Africa + UK | Granted: € 4500
Society The Leadership in Transformation project 2022
Studenten Harmonie Orkest Twente: Tournee naar München en Montecatini Terme 2022-0060 | Duitsland en Italië | Granted: € 1000
Project a tour of the Twente Student Harmony Orchestra to Munich and Montecatini Terme
Middin: Een tuinfrees voor de tuin van Orion 2022-0059 | Nederland | Granted: € 1800
Landbouw, natuur & voeding the purchase of a garden tiller for the vegetable garden of care organization Orion
Pluktuin van Geesje: Geestmerzwam 2022-0057 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding the start of a circular oyster mushroom nursery
Quo Vadis Eurythmie Impresariat: Euritmie Weekend Workshop 2022-0056 | Nederland | Granted: € 675
Project an eurytmy weekend workshop with Gail Langstroth; subject; how to connect eurythmy with other art forms
peer_protocol: the untold stories of community living 2022-0055 | The Netherlands | Granted: € 2000
Society a series of conversation about the current housing problem and possibilities for community living as a solution
Stichting Wijsgerig Festival Drift: Wijsgerig Festival Drift 2022-0054 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Society a jearly philosophy festival in Utrecht; to make philosophy accessible for a broad audience
Studio Elmo Vermijs: Het Amstelpark – de bomen vertellen hun verhaal 2022-0053 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Project The art project; 'The trees in the Amstel Park are telling their story'. What if trees could defend their case in the climate change discussion
Youth Society Parzival (NNLP): Educatieve Ruimte in Matsevani Village, Georgië 2022-0050 | | Granted: € 20000
Youth Creating an educational space based on Waldorf pedagogy in a non-privileged village of Georgia
Eurythmea z. s.: Eurythmea 2022-0046 | Czech Republic | Granted: € 1750
Project support for the start of a new eurytmy education in the Czech Republic
Free Columbia: het M.C. Richards Program 2022-23 2022-0045 | USA | Granted: € 9000
Society A one-year micro-college program for young adults inspired by anthroposophy
Stichting Aralez: Arts of Resistance: verzetsculturen in beeld 2022-0039 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Project The music/art program 'Arts of Resistance'.
Utrechtsch Studenten Concert: Tournee USConcert 2022 - Duitsland/Tsjechië 2022-0037 | Duitsland en Tsjechië | Granted: € 1000
Project A tour of the Utrecht student orchestra to Germany an the Czech Republic
van der Schaaf, H van der: What does the gossip tell us about hidden world and species living inside the mountains? 2022-0036 | Noorwegen | Granted: € 2500
Project Research based exhibition and event, wandering into the world of invasive species. Experimenting with new ways of storytelling on ecology.
Graaff: Eurythmie Explained 2022-0035 | Nederland | Granted: € 3350
Project the realization of the eurythmy E-book 'What moves You'
Stichting Ensemble Project (STEP): Step 4 2022-0034 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project A student chamber musc program with a focus on female composers.
Nijmeegs Studentenorkest Collegium Musicum Carolinum: Educatieproject De Vuurvogel 2022-0033 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project An educational project for young audiences, explaining Stavinsky's 'The Fire Bird'.
“Theatre-studio of eurythmy” (SPB): Workshop International Conference Eurythmy, Dornach, 18-22.04.2022 Hear. Be. Create 2022-0032 | Switzerland | Granted: € 4050
Project Participation in the International Conference Eurythmy (Dornach, 18-22.04.2022) a.o. with a workhop
Stichting Jansstraat33: Symposium 'Hoe kunnen wij een goede voorouder zijn?' 2022-0031 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Society A symposium with as central theme: 'How can we be good ancestors'?'
CREA Orkest: Ouvertour 2022-0029 | Nederland/Duitsland/Tsjechië | Granted: € 1000
Project a tour of the student orchestra to Germany and the Czeck Reuplic
Noordhollands Jeugd Orkest: Jubileumconcerten Noordhollands Jeugd Orkest 2022 2022-0028 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project The (60 years) jubilee concerts ot the North-Holland Youth Orchestra
Stichting de Jans: 'Ruimte waar het licht kan komen' 2022-0027 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Project The art exhibition 'Space where the light comes in'
Utrechtse Studenten Bigband: Big Borders: and Beyond 2022-0026 | Nederland, Duitsland, Zwitserland en Italië | Granted: € 1000
Project a jubilee tour through Europe with a final concert in Utrecht
D.S.J.V. Groover: Just Jazz 2022 2022-0025 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project A Jazz Festival in Delft, to offer young musicians the chance to play with renowned artists
International Youth Initiative Program (YIP): YIP 2021-2022 2022-0023 | Sweden | Granted: € 10000
Youth An international anthroposophically inspired societal entrepreneurship program
Pahkla Camphilli Küla SA: Pahkla Camphilli Küla 2022-0021 | Estland | Granted: € 3000
Healthcare Celebrating 30 years Camphill in Estononia
Landelijk Kunstenaarsgenootschap de Ploegh: NECTAR / Art & Urban Nature 2022-0018 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Project the exhibition NECTAR / Art & Urban Nature
de Onkruidenier: Relearning Aquatic Evolution 2022-0017 | Nederland | Granted: € 4000
Project an art installation with tools to expose the relationship between the visitors and the sea
Heiden: materiaal t.b.v. een promotieonderzoek naar meta-sensorische perceptie 2022-0016 | België/Duitsland | Granted: € 1900
Science the purchase of materials for a doctoral thesis
Hartkamp-Bakker, C.A. Dr.: Promotieonderzoek effect Sudbury scholen 2022-0014 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Science Research into the effect of Sudbury model schools on the life of its former students
Stichting Kwintessens: Iberian Night 2022-0013 | Nederland | Granted: € 2000
Project a choir project for young amateur singers with Sephardic Music, bringing together various cultures.
Nederlands Symfonie Project: 10 jaar NeSP! 2022-0012 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project a Summer School for amateur and conservatory students and a series of concerts.
Stichting Nederlands Studenten Kamerorkest: Nesko 2022 Staat Sterk! 2022-0008 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project A series of concerts of the Nesko student chamber orchestra, with a focus of female composers
SWI: Stage ondersteuning voor de Waldorf Pedagogy Alliance Croatia. 2022-0003 | Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia&Herzegovija, Serbia | Granted: € 7000
Pedagogy Support for a young Waldorf training Insitute in Croatia.
Aeres MBO Dronten Warmonderhof: Op stage met een rijbewijs 2021-0277 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Studiefinanciering Support for agricultural students who need to obtain their tractor drives license
Vereniging Amsterdamse Studenten Bigband: Bigband meets Classical 2021-0267 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project the student music project 'Big Band meets Classical
Het Nederlands Filmorkest: Best Movie Musicals 2021-0265 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project the Best Movie Musical project
Worldview Journeys: Deep Dive Into Your Worldview 2021-0260 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Society the Deep Dive Into your Worldview training to help students to explore their view on the in which we live
Internationaal Poppentheater Festival: Internationaal Micro Festival 2021-0258 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Weerts: Slaapproblemen; een andere aanpak 2021-0256 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Science PHD research A non-traditional complex intervention for the treatment of early signs of paediatric insomnia and sleep problems”
D.S.M.G. Krashna Musika: Verdi's Requiem in het Concertgebouw 2021-0255 | Nederland | Granted: € 1500
Project The Student orchestra Krashna Musica and the VU Student Choir perform Verdi's Requiem in the Royal Concert Hall of Amsterdam
Mwanangu Development Tanzania: All Africa Anthroposophic Training (AAAT 2021) 2021-0252 | Tanzania | Granted: € 4000
Society the All Africa Anthroposophic Training (AAAT 2021) Conference
Kingfisher Foundation/Bolk's Companions: Bolk's Companions 2021-0250 | Nederland | Granted: € 15000
Healthcare a long term phenomenological medical research project
Kramer: Ceremonie, Beats of life 2021-0249 | Nederland | Granted: € 1500
Project the organization of ceremonies that embrace life and help participants to reflect on their life intentions.
Bastiaansen: De verspeiding van het proefschrift 'aandachtige betrokkenheid als pedagogische grondhouding' 2021-0247 | Nederland | Granted: € 6029
Science Promotion of the content of the doctoral thesis 'Attentive involvement as a starting point for pedagogical support'
Stichting Bright Meadow: Opleiding vrijeschoolleerkracht voor Zanzibar Steiner School (basisschool) 2021-0244 | Zanzibar, Tanzania | Granted: € 250
Pedagogy suport for two teachers who will attend the East African Teacher Training in Nairobi
Mayri NGO: een training heilpedagogie en sociale therapie 2021-0242 | Armenia | Granted: € 2000
Healthcare a 7 months curative and social therapy training for teachers and students of the pedagogical university, as well as for art teachers
Buijs: Promotietraject Daan Buijs 2021-0237 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Science 3rd year of a doctoral research project. Theme: What do young people ask from educators in order to 'live their questions' in dialogue with the world
Youth Society Parzival (NNLP): Educational space in Matsevani village 2021-0235 | Georgia | Granted: € 2500
Youth Creating an educational space based on Waldorf pedagogy in a non-privileged village of Georgia
Goetheanum Youth Section: Developing the Youth Section's Groundwork 2021-0234 | Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, and other worldwide locations through online activities | Granted: € 33000
Huiberts, JM: Zintuigentuin Floriade 2021-0231 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Project Design and execution of a 12 senses garden at the Floriade 2022
Centre for Creative Education: Het Early Childhood Development Program 2022 2021-0230 | South Africa | Granted: € 10000
Pedagogy Waldorf training for teachers and educators in South Africa
Community of Anthroposophic Arts: international conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of therapeutic eurythmy 2021-0229 | Russia | Granted: € 5000
VU-Orkest: Lustrumconcerten VU-Orkest: een nieuw hoofdstuk 2021-0228 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project Concerts to celebrate te 60th anniversary of the VU student orchestra Amsterdam
Rudolf Steiner bibliotheek Amsterdam: digitalisering bibliotheek 2021-0227 | Nederland | Granted: € 3000
Society digitizing the Rudolf Steiner Library Amsterdam
Stichting Het Nederlands Studenten Orkest: NSO Herleef 2021-0226 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project The project 'Netherlands Student Orchestra Revived'
Reyhani, M: Bewegende Klas 2021-0225 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Pedagogy Purchasing materials and furniture for a 'moving classroom'
Antroposofische Vereniging in België vzw: Metamorfose-22 2021-0224 | België | Granted: € 5000
Society a conference about the function and meaning of science for modern society
Amsterdams Studentenprojectkoor: HMS Pinafore 2021-0218 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project a student performance of the Gilbert & Sullivan operetta 'HMS Pinafore'
World Goetheanum Association: Building the World Goetheanum Association 2021-0217 | Switzerland | Granted: € 10000
Society Further development of the Network in 2022
Universiteit Leiden/Colloquium Levensfilosofie: Colloquium Levensfilosofie Universiteit Leiden 2021-0216 | Nederland | Granted: € 3100
Project a series of symposia to connect the general public with academic philosophy
Muziekids: De Muziekids Online Studio Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep Alkmaar 2021-0214 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Project an online music studio for child patients of the Northwest Hospital group in Alkmaar
Centre for Creative Education: De Kairos Eurythmy Training 2021-0210 | South Africa | Granted: € 10000
Pedagogy a BA training for eurythmy students in South Africa
ISKRA Waldorf Initiative (a non-governmental organisation): Eurythmy in Waldorf Community in Osijek 2021-0209 | Croatia | Granted: € 1890
Pedagogy temporary support to enable the eurythmy classes at the school
Hogeschool Leiden, lectoraat Antroposofische Gezondheidszorg: Basisfinanciering Lectoraat Antroposofische Gezondheidszorg 2021-0203 | Nederland | Granted: € 0
Healthcare basic financing for the research of the anthroposophical health care department
Eurythmy Pulse Dnipro Eurythmy project ensemble Witten: 2 Ensemble project Kiev Dnipro Odessa 2021-0202 | Ukraina | Granted: € 800
Project a two-ensemble project, carried out by Eurythmy Puls Dnipro/ Eurythmy Training Ukraine and an ensemble from Witten (earmarked donation)
Hogeschool Leiden: Filmproject: Schurend Paradijs (werktitel) 2021-0201 | Nederland | Granted: € 1652
Project a promotional film made by and for students of the Minor Anthroposophy in Leiden
Talent op Podium Orkest: Project jonge solisten 2021 2021-0200 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project a chance for talented young solo amateur performers to play for an audince, accompanied by and orchestra
Studio Claudy Jongstra B.V.: Guernica De La Ecologia 2021-0196 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Project the art project Guernica De La Ecologia
Ionawiskunde: Wonderlijke Wiskunde 2021-0193 | Nederland | Granted: € 1480
Pedagogy th start of a foundation and a website for anthroposophical mathematics
Musicians Without Borders: Bara'em Ghirass 2021-0190 | Palestina (Bezette Westelijke Jordaanoever) | Granted: € 5000
Society a structural misic support program for vulnerable mothers and children in Bethlehem, Palestine
Khazieva,: Course on pedagogical eurythmy in Moscow. 2021-0188 | Russia | Granted: € 1000
Pedagogy the organization of a course on pedagogical eurythmy in Moscow.
Stichting Nederlands Studenten Jazz Orkest: For Funk's Sake! 2021-0187 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project Performance's of the student jazz Orchestra with their program 'For Funk's Sake!
Quo Vadis Eurythmie Impresariat: MIMAGES – 3. Euritmie Festival 2021-0186 | Nederland | Granted: € 7500
Project the Mimages 3 Festival in the Hague; a dialogue between eurythmy and other art forms
Geestdrift Festival: Geestdrift Festival 2021-0183 | nl | Granted: € 1000
Project the organization of a small scale festival in the Pieterskerk in Utrecht, November 2021
Stichting Camphillgemeenschap Maartenhuis: Langer thuis op het Maartenhuis 2021-0181 | NL | Granted: € 5000
Healthcare Adjustments to make sure that elderly patients can stay in the Maartenhuis Care Home on the isle of Texel
Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners: Social Therapy Qedeli 2021-0180 | Georgia | Granted: € 15000
Healthcare emerngency aid for the Curative Therapy Centre Khedeli in Georgia
Bogaers, I.E.W.M.: Promotieonderzoek 'Stilte in de klas' 2021-0176 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Science the doctoral research project 'Silence in the Class room'; how can silence offer didactical support and support interaction.
Stichting Boilerhouse: De Kleine Prins op Vlieland / De Kleine Prins op Scheveningen 2021-0175 | Nederland | Granted: € 9700
Project a location performance (eurythmy and theatre) of Le Petit Prince on the Island of Vlieland and in The Hague
Museum Het Valkhof-Kam: Rettet den Wald! 2021-0173 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Project The art exhibition 'Save the Woods'
CV de Werfklas: de Werfklas 2021-0171 | Nederland | Granted: € 2772
Pedagogy an earmarked donation for the purchase of musical instuments
Studiecentrum voor Antroposofie Zutphen: 100 jaar Grondsteen 2021-0170 | Nederland | Granted: € 500
Society activities to celebrate 100 years Founding Stone
Stichting Uit Eigen Beweging: Living Things...thanks to Shakespeare 2021-0169 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Project an eurythmy and theatre research project, based on the work of Shakespeare and I. Pfeiffer
Utrechtsch Studenten Concert: Najaarsconcerten USConcert 2021/2022 2021-0167 | Utrecht | Granted: € 1000
Project two concerts of the Utrecht Student orchestra
Association for People in Need of Special Care: Tweejarige basiscursus antroposofische sociale therapie 2021-0165 | Georgia | Granted: € 10000
Healthcare The second year of the Two Years Basic Course in Anthroposophically Oriented Social Therapy
Stichting Kind en Spiritualiteit: Geef mijn innerlijke wereld de ruimte! 2021-0157 | Nederland | Granted: € 2000
Project the organization of the Day of Child Spirityality in Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Mercurius College: Mercurius College 2021-0150 | nederland | Granted: € 1500
Pedagogy publicity costs for the start of a new Waldorf School in Delft, the Netherlands
Stichting Herfstcongres: Herfstsymposium 2021 2021-0143 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Healthcare the Autumn Symposium 2021 '101 years anthroposophical health care'
Raad voor Integrale Duurzame Landbouw en Voeding (RIDLV): Presentatie RIDLV visierapport Drievoudige Gezondheid 2021-0137 | Nederland | Granted: € 3000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding a professional presentation of the research report threefold Health Care
De Seizoenarbeiders: De Seizoenarbeiders 2021-0136 | Nederland | Granted: € 2000
Society publicity for an attractive program for season workers in BD agriculture
PAR &H: Interwoven Histories 2021-0135 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Project the 'Interwoven histories' program; the promotion of artistic textile work forms
Medical Section at the Goetheanum: International Postgraduate Medical Training (IPMT) 2021 2021-0134 | Romania, Slovakia, Russia, Thailand, Taiwan, Philippines, China, USA, Colombia, Mexico | Granted: € 10000
Healthcare general support for the International Postgraduate Medical Training (IPMT) 2021
Vriend, A de: Hibernation 2021-0131 | Spanje en Nederland | Granted: € 3000
Youth a winter residency for 6 young artists questioning what this day and age asks from artists and art education
Stichting Lab Toekomstige Generaties: Geef Toekomstige Generaties een groene stem 2021-0130 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Youth the youth program of the Lab for Future Generations
Stichting PianoFest: PianoFest Playground 2021-0129 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project the Pianofest Playground; workshops, masterclasses and educational projects for amateur pianists
Dufayhuis: Cursus Positieve Gezondheid 2021-0128 | NL | Granted: € 5000
Healthcare A training positive health care for co-workers of the Dyfaya antrhoposphic health care centre in Amsterdam
Loon, J van: Niomon- A Portal, A Home 2021-0125 | Nederland en Japan | Granted: € 6000
Project the art project Niomon- A Portal, A Home
NVAZ: Bernard Lievegoed Onderzoekscentrum 2021-0124 | Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Healthcare support for the Bernard Lievegoed research centre for anthroposophical care for the disabled
NVET: Jubileum 100 jaar Euritmietherapie 2021-0115 | Nederland | Granted: € 2150
Healthcare the organization of a conference to mark the 100 year jubilee of eurythmy therapy in the Netherlands
EthicFinance: ondersteuning voor een sociaal-economisch BD fruitteelt project in Sobisi, Georgie 2021-0112 | Georgia | Granted: € 3000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding support for the socio-economic BD orchard project; purchases to ajust to new hygiene- and safety regulations
Stichting Kwintessens: De Duizendkunstenaar van Lublin 2021-0111 | Nederland | Granted: € 2000
Project a music theatre performace with young amateur singers, based on the work of I. Bashevis Singer
Association of Waldorf Schools: Het Estonian Eurythmy Seminar 2021 Seminar 2021-0110 | Estonia | Granted: € 1250
Pedagogy the organization of the Waldorf Eurytmy Seminar 2021
Gist: Gist - het ontwikkelen cursussen en methodes 2021-0108 | Nederland | Granted: € 3000
Project start support; earmarked for the courses 'hopeful living' and 'craft evenings'
Lemniscate Foundation: Ita Wegman Opleidingscentrum 2021-0105 | | Granted: € 2000
Healthcare general support for the school year 2021; eduation centre for curative- and social therapy in Russia
“Theatre-studio of eurythmy” (SPB): Eurythmic Forum " MOVEMENT. MINDFULNESS. LIFE" 2021-0104 | Russland | Granted: € 620
Project participation in the Eurythmic Forum " MOVEMENT. MINDFULNESS. LIFE" 2021 in Yasnaya Polnaya
Claessen, juffrouw: Parallel laboratory 2021-0099 | België | Granted: € 1500
Project A video art installation; based on a change meeting on a BD farm; an invitation to a philosophical dialogue
Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners: Stupeni Waldorf School Odessa 2021-0097 | Ukraine | Granted: € 15000
Pedagogy Earmarked donation for energy saving measures for the school building
St Kunstvesting Heusden: Kruip in het hoofd van je moeder 2021-0096 | Nederland | Granted: € 3000
Project Crawl into your mother's head; an art project for children to help them process the past Covid-19 year
Stichting Demeter: Ahimsa, de rustende koe 2021-0091 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Society the art and awareness project Ahimsa, the resting cow
Internationaal Hulpfonds (IHF): Opleidingsbeurzen 2021-0084 | landen in Azië, Afrika en Latijns Amerika | Granted: € 10000
Studiefinanciering the educational fund for Waldorf teachers which enables them to follow a certified Waldorf training.
School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum c/o Allgemeine Anthroposophische Gesellschaft: het project 'Anthroposophy in the Present' 2021-0067 | Switzerland | Granted: € 21500
Society An initiative for anthroposophic public relations work by the Goetheanum leadership
Stichting Rudolf Steiner Vertalingen: In het Midden de Mens 2021-0063 | Nederland | Granted: € 2425
Project 'Man in the Middle'; an essay with translations of lectures of Rudolf Steiner for Waldorf School pedagogues
Stichting Het Nederlands Studenten Orkest: NSO De Ring 2021-0061 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project The Ring; an interdisciplinary project for symphonic music and light art.
Dat Bolwerck: "Stil het tij"- i.k.v. de IJsselbiënnale 2021-0059 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Project 'Silence the Tide'; an exhibition in the cellars of the former battlements of the city of Zutphen
Stichting Hoe Dan Ook: Het Antwoord op Alles 2021-0052 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Project The Answer to Everything; a podcast series about existential questions
Stichting Dutch Eurythmy Dance Ensemble: Move:it 2021-0051 | Nederland | Granted: € 40000
Project Move:it; the start of a professional young eurythmy ensemble in the Netherlands
BINGN/Biodynamisk Forening i Norge: Steun voor jonge BD Boeren 2021-0050 | Norway | Granted: € 5000
Studiefinanciering the BINGN Apprenticeship program; support for young BD Farmers in Northern Europe
Raphaëlstichting/Breidablick: Atelier Beeldend Breidablick 2021-0046 | Nederland | Granted: € 3500
Healthcare Atelier Breidablick; art lessons for people with a mental disability
Landelijk Kunstenaarsgenootschap de Ploegh: Hemelladder 2021-0044 | Nederland | Granted: € 2000
Project 'Stairway to heaven' a spiritual modern art exhibition in the historical Francis and Hildegard meditative garden in Amersfoort
Noa Zuidervaart: Fata Morgana 2021-0043 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Project Fata Morgana, a mulit disciplinary art exhibition for young artists
Stichting Hogeschool Leiden: Durf te leven! 2021-0039 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project The eurytmy performance 'Dare to live', made by students of the school
Free Columbia: het M.C. Richards Programma 2021/2022 2021-0037 | USA | Granted: € 8400
Society The M.C. Richards Program, creates a college level, independent program inspired by anthroposophic contemplative inquiry and Goethean science.
Quo Vadis Eurythmie Impresariat: EURITMIE > CLOSE UP 2021-0035 | Nederland | Granted: € 3200
Project a conference about eurythmy in the Hogeschool Leiden and performances in the Vreedehuis The Hague
Academy of Social Arts: Forum Eurythmy 2021-0033 | Russia | Granted: € 1000
Project Forum Eurythmy, a three days eurythmy event with performances, worjshops and discussions
Hartkamp-Bakker, C.A. Dr.: The effect of Sudbury model schools on the life of its former students 2021-0032 | U.S.A., Israel, Nederland | Granted: € 10000
Science a doctoral research project: 'The effect of Sudbury model schools on the life of its former students'
A8: Groninger Spruitkool 2021-0030 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding a small scale BD research project ; making 'Groninger Sprouts' suitable for professional BD Farming
ESCAMP: Systematisch onderzoek naar de veiligheid van antroposofische geneesmiddelen 2021-0029 | Nederland, Duitsland | Granted: € 15000
Healthcare ‘The safety of Anthroposophic Medicinal Products: a systematic review of clinical studies in patients'; a research project
CREA Orkest: Muziek gaat door! 2021-0025 | Nederland | Granted: € 1500
Project the student summer project 'The Music goes on
Acte studio: Building Together 2021-0024 | The Netherlands ( Rotterdam) | Granted: € 2210
Project Buiding Together; a project around architecture, skills, beauty and sustainability
Stichting Hermes: Josquin 500 2021-0021 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project pérformaces of music of Josquin des Prez to commemorate the 500th anniversary of his dying day.
Stichting Bijbels Museum: Tijd en Eeuwigheid; poëzie in beeld en woord 2021-0020 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Project 'Time and Eternity-poetry in word and image' an exhibtion on 4 locations in the Netherlands
Stichting Ethiek Revolutie: Ethiek Revolutie e-festival 2021-0017 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Society the 'Ethics Revolution e-eFstival'; accessible information about making ethial choces in life
D.S.M.G. Krashna Musika: D.S.M.G. Krashna Musika Schotland Tour 2021 2021-0016 | Schotland | Granted: € 1500
Project the summer project of the Delft Student Music Society Krashna Musica
Stichting Guerrilla Gardeners: Bloeikaravaan - Nationale Zaaidag 22 april 2021 2021-0014 | Nederland | Granted: € 3000
Youth The Flowering Caravan project; children learn about bees and making flower bombs
The Periodic Seminar in Russia: Periodic Seminar for teachers in Russian Waldorfschools. 2021-0009 | Russia | Granted: € 5000
Pedagogy General suport for the seminar. The purpose of "The Periodic Seminar" is to realize and further the aims (ideals) of Waldorf Pedagogy in Russia.
Stichting Museum Catharijneconvent: Maria Magdalena. De tentoonstelling 2021-0004 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Project the exhibition 'Mary-Magdalen'
General Anthroposophical Society: Permanente tentoonstelling bouw van het eerste Goetheanum 2021-0003 | Schweiz | Granted: € 6000
Project the realization of the permanent exhibition 'Building of the first Goetheanum'
BD-vereniging: Preparaten onderzoeksgroep Vidar 2020-0402 | 5 boerderijen, zie bijlage | Granted: € 1350
Landbouw, natuur & voeding a research project concerning the effect of of cow dung preparations in spinach, using samples from different farmers
Tuin Moes: Bloeiende toekomst voor Tuin Moes 2020-0399 | nederland | Granted: € 2500
Landbouw, natuur & voeding Support fo the community Garden 'Tuin Moes'in Ossterwold, the Netherlands
Hogeschool Leiden, lectoraat Antroposofische Gezondheidszorg: Basisfinanciering Lectoraat Antroposofische Gezondheidszorg 2020-0390 | Nederland | Granted: € 0
Healthcare general support for the anthroposophical health care department
Stichting Nederlands Studenten Kamerorkest: Nesko 2021 Schrijft verder 2020-0371 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project various projects of the student orchestra Nesko
Goetheanum Youth Section: Development of the Youth Section 2021 2020-0364 | Switzerland, Schottland, England | Granted: € 33000
Youth Further development of the Youth Section in 2021
Studievereniging Hucbald: Herdenkingsproject "An English Farewell" 2020-0363 | Nederland | Granted: € 500
Project "An English Farewell" a commemoration concert on May the 4th with music from English composers
Crafts Council Nederland: De Borduurschool 2020-0360 | nederland | Granted: € 3500
Project the Crafts council Netherlands; a project to preserve and develop creative (international) embroidery techniques
Kingfisher Foundation/Bolk's Companions: Methode ontwikkeling voor Onderwijs, Kennis en Vaardigheden in de Antroposofische Geneeskunde 2020-0354 | Nederland | Granted: € 15000
Healthcare the project 'Method Development for Anthroposophic Health Care'
Lemniscate Foundation: Ita Wegman Opleidingscentrum 2020-0350 | Rusland | Granted: € 1800
Healthcare general support for the school year 2020; eduation in curative- and social in Russia
NVAZ: Bernard Lievegoed Onderzoekscentrum (BL-oc) 2020-0348 | Nederland en Vlaanderen | Granted: € 10000
Healthcare General support for the Bernard Lievegoed Research Centre
NVAZ: het AB-project 2020-0346 | Nederland | Granted: € 4000
Healthcare the realization of an accessible description of the essence of anthroposophical care in which the need of patients is leading.
Stichting Volle Grond: Groene Voeten 2020-0344 | Nederland | Granted: € 4000
Project A theatrical walk in nature according to local stories and folklore. Theme: 'slowing down and uniting'
Momavlis Mitsa: Tweede fase BD bakkerij project ‘Au blé d’or’ 2020-0342 | Georgia (GUS) | Granted: € 5000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding the 2nd phase of the bakery project; furnishing the Bakery café and the shop in Tbilisi
SBI - Earth Charter Nederland: Kracht van Verbinding - Circles of 17 2020-0340 | Nederland en op Europees niveau | Granted: € 7500
Society the project 'Power of Connection - Circles of 17' organised by Earth Charter Netherlands
Stichting Historische Moestuinen Landgoed Amelisweerd: de inrichting van een muur-kas 2020-0334 | Nederland | Granted: € 4000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding the realization of a historical wall hot house on the Amelisweerd estate.
Living Landscapes: Taal voor de toekomst 2020-0333 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Project the creation of a new poetic - ecological language for man an the North sea
Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners: Tweede bijdrage aan het corona noodfonds 2020-0316 | Worldwide | Granted: € 20000
Pedagogy support for the COVID-19 Emergency Aid Fund for Waldorf schools
Dr. Monk: Hoe Anansi het beest van klimaatverandering versloeg 2020-0315 | Ghana (in latere fase ook Suriname en Nederland) | Granted: € 3500
Society the project 'How Ananse killed the beast of climate change; holistic education for childeren in Ghana
Centre for Creative Education: Early Childhood Development Training 2021 2020-0313 | South Africa | Granted: € 10000
Pedagogy Training of ECD/Kindergarten carer teachers in the school year 2021
Stichting Wijsgerig Festival Drift: Festival DRIFT 2021 2020-0312 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project the organization of the philosophy festival 2020, theme: 'In tune, out of step'.
Soil: Soil alfabetiseringsproject voor vrouwen 2020-0311 | Pakistan | Granted: € 5000
Society a vocational skills program to contribute to poverty reduction and literacy of women
Stichting Uit Eigen Beweging: De Gedenkstonde 2020-0303 | Nederland | Granted: € 1500
Society an eurythmy project to commemorate the dead
Buijs: Promotietraject Daan Buijs 2020-0302 | Nederlands | Granted: € 10000
Science a doctoral research project. Theme: What do young people ask from educators in order to 'live their questions' in dialogue with the world
Stichting Bright Meadow: Bijenproject Zanzibar Steiner School 2020-0300 | Zanzibar, Tanzania | Granted: € 2000
Pedagogy an educational bee keeping project for the Rudolf Steiner School Zanzibar
Wolff, MJ de: Werkperiode aan De Ateliers 2020-0291 | Nederland | Granted: € 3500
Project a two year artist residency at the Ateliers, an international institute for talent development for young visual artists
Stichting Ensemble Illustre: Muziekproject 'Contra' 2020-0290 | Nederland | Granted: € 500
Project a student music program with sacred choir music from the time of the counter reformation, after the Council of Trente
Vereniging Amsterdamse Studenten Bigband: ASBB Bigband Broadcast: Funky Fusion 2020-0284 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project an international student funk-fusion big band concert project
Centre for Creative Education: Kairos Eurythmy Training 2020-0282 | South Africa | Granted: € 8500
Project a BA training for eurythmy students
United Network of Young Peacebuilders Stichting (UNOYP): HAsian #Youth4Peace 2020 2020-0279 | Afghanistan, Iran, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India, Philippines, Indonesia and Myanmar | Granted: € 2500
Youth a peace building project for young NGO's in Asia
Stichting Herfstcongres: Herfstsymposium 2020 2020-0274 | Nederland | Granted: € 2000
Society a symposium and open dialogue about the current corona crisis, seen from an anthroposophical perspective
NVAA: Publiciteitsfilm Kindertherapeuticum 2020-0266 | Nederland | Granted: € 4000
Healthcare a short film about anthroposophical health care within the Childrens Therapeuticum in Zeist, the Netherlands
BK-informatie: een tweedaags symposium over kunst in de openbare ruimte en de uitgave van een special edition 2020-0265 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Project A two days conference about art in public spaces
Akker: Projectgroep 2020-Move it (werktitel) 2020-0261 | Nederland maar streaming bereikt internationaal publiek | Granted: € 2500
Project An eurythmy choreography on music form Bach for the MImages Festival 2020 and the start of a new professional eurytmy ensemble
Stichting De Tegenfase: Stichting De Tegenfase Online 2020-0255 | Nederland | Granted: € 2000
Society an online learning environment for teachers and students
International Youth Initiative Program (YIP): YIP13 2020-2021 2020-0250 | Sweden | Granted: € 10000
Youth A 10 months residential entrepreneurship training for youth 18-28.
Phagoe, JS: Werkdocument Introspecties van agrariërs 2020-0243 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Project A work document for farmers, to pay attention to their problems and fears related to the current agricultural crisis
Academy for Integrative Medicine: ondersteuning AIM 2020 2020-0240 | nederland | Granted: € 20000
Healthcare improvement of the website and the back office; scientific research and the appointment of a health coordinator
100 jaar AG Eindhoven: 100 jaar AG eindhoven 2020-0239 | Nederland ,et verbinding internationaal | Granted: € 1500
Healthcare the celebration of 100 years Anthroposophical health care in Eindhoven
Medical Section at the Goetheanum: International Postgraduate Medical Training (IPMT) 2020 2020-0237 | Switzerland, Russia, Columbia, Mexico, Malaysia and Romania | Granted: € 12000
Healthcare A worldwide continuing education program for doctors, medical students, therapists, nurses, pharmacists and curative educators
Stichting Het Huis van Betekenis: De Vleesvrije Stad 2020-0231 | Nderland | Granted: € 5000
Project The meat free city; An art project about the way we handle animals
Stichting AYPhi: AYPhil ondersteuning najaar 2020-0230 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project support for young musicians in the second half of 2020, necessary due to COVID-19 measures.
Fondation Constant: Constant 1 0 1 De podcast 2020-0229 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project archive research for a podcast series about the artist Constant Nieuwenhuys.
Coöperatie de Vrije Initiatiefschool: Specialisatie hoogsensitieve kinderen 2020-0227 | nederland | Granted: € 2500
Pedagogy Professionalization of the teachers of the department for highly sensitive children of the Talander Waldorf School
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen, Institute for Societal Resilience: Nothing about them without them - but how? 2020-0224 | Nederland | Granted: € 402
Society a social research project concerning co-creating with refugees on an equal base
Quo Vadis Eurythmie Impresariat: Opbouw van een existentiële-zekerheid-scheppende infrastructuur voor professionele euritmie 2020-0222 | Nederland, Duitsland, Oostenrijk, Zwitserland | Granted: € 4500
Project a joint initiative to improve the conditions for stage eurythmy in the EU
Stichting Imagine Identity & Culture: Van Religieuzen Huize 2020-0215 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Society A dialogue project around the theme 'religion and feeling at home' iaimed at residents in Amsterdam South-East
Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners: Corona noodhulpfonds 2020-0199 | | Granted: € 20000
Pedagogy a COVID-19 Emergency Aid fund for anthroposophical initiatives and Waldorf schools
Louis Bolk Instituut: het project COVICAM: CAM use and lifestyle related changes during the COVID-19 Pandemic 2020-0178 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Healthcare a national pole to gather information about health behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic
TAPP Coalitie (True Animal Protein Price): Bevordering biologische landbouw en eerlijke prijzen in de EU en NL 2020-0173 | Nederland (met uitstraling naar de EU) | Granted: € 7000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding Promotion of Biodynamic Agriculture and ture pricing in the EU and the Netherland
Vrije Hogeschool: Bijdrage voor studenten van het (LAT) Liberal Arts Tussenjaar 2020/2021 2020-0168 | Nederland | Granted: € 35000
Studiefinanciering Individual support for financial less robust students of the Liberal Arts Year 2020/2021
Stichting Jonge Strijkers en Blazers: Oude Meesters, Nieuwe Wegen 2020-0167 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
The Turn Club: Academie voor Onderwijsvaardigheid 2020-0163 | NL | Granted: € 2500
Project an online academy where artists (school) students and others can communicate about abilities to deal with insecurity
Remonstrantse Gemeente Eindhoven: Glas in Lood Venster Erna van Osselen 2020-0161 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Studio Claudy Jongstra B.V.: Community Seed Bank for Colour (CSBC) 2020-0159 | Nederland, Duitsland, Zwitserland | Granted: € 2500
Landbouw, natuur & voeding vegetable biodynamic seeds for colouring; a campaign against genetically modified seeds and for the preservation of traditional native plants
Freunde der Erziehungskunst WOW: WOW-Day 2020: „Your Day – Your Activity!” 2020-0158 | worldwide | Granted: € 5000
Youth The worldwide Waldorf School project WOW 2020
Thedinghsweert: Inrichting kleinschalig woonproject gerechtsgebouw Tiel 2020-0155 | Nederland | Granted: € 2000
Healthcare furnishing costs for a supported living project for young people in need of special care
World Goetheanum Association: Building the World Goetheanum Association 2020 - 2022 2020-0152 | Switzerland | Granted: € 10000
Society Development of the network of the association in the next three years
Bio-Stiftung Schweiz: 'Synthetische pesticiden, een vloek of een zegening?' 2020-0145 | Switzerland | Granted: € 5000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding 7 Expert presentations on "synthetic pesticides - curse or blessing?"
Helfrich: promotieonderzoek Heidegger, Desoriëntatie en Ruimte' 2020-0141 | | Granted: € 4000
Science prolongation of a doctoral research titled 'Space, Desorientation and Heidegger'
De Jong, A.H. -: De tentoonstelling Mensbeeld 2020-0140 | Nederland | Granted: € 6000
Project Image of Mankind, an exhibition in which 15 contemporary artists, show their view on Mankind, now and in the future
BD-vereniging: Bewaren van het koemestpreparaat, Kwaliteitsonderzoek met behulp van stijgbeelden en chroma’s 2020-0135 | Nederland | Granted: € 2000
Landbouw, natuur & voeding A research project concerning the conservation of cow dung preparations using samples from different farmers
Taskforce Ontwikkelingsgericht Onderwijs: Taskforce Ontwikkelingsgericht Onderwijs 2020-0131 | Nederland | Granted: € 8000
Pedagogy The taskforce will discuss the change of the Netherlands educational system into a system that is sustainable and aiming for development
Sahabi, S: Daedalus 2020-0128 | Nederland | Granted: € 3500
Project A series of sulptures in which the tension between dreams and fear of failure will be made tangible
Antroposofische Vereniging in Nederland (AViN): Zichtbaarheid antroposofie in 2020 2020-0093 | Nederland | Granted: € 30000
Society visibility of anthroposophy in 2020
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Antroposofische Fysiotherapie: het project 'duurzame Inbedding'. 2020-0090 | NEDERLAND | Granted: € 10000
Healthcare the realization of a website and reearch about the use of rhythmical massage as a means to cure vitality complaints
Hogeschool Leiden, Lectoraat Waarde(n) van Vrijeschool Onderwijs: Onderwijsonderzoek lectoraat Waarde(n) van Vrijeschoolonderwijs, Hogeschool Leiden 2020-0087 | Nederland | Granted: € 30000
Pedagogy Basic financial support for the lectureship Value and values of Waldorf Education in 2020
Kaina Media: Een Zoektocht naar de Vrije Geest van de Mens 2020-0084 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Society A documentary about the 'Philosopy of Freedom' of Rudolf Steiner
Sutter, T Miss: International eurythmy conference 2020-0080 | Switzerland | Granted: € 2000
Project Participation of the graduates of the Kairos Eurytmy Training in the Goetheanum International Eurythmy Conference
Stichting Balans: Sprookjestuin Soest 2020-0073 | Nederland | Granted: € 2500
Vereniging Worldconnectors: Lab voor Toekomstige Generaties (LabTG) 2020-0068 | Nederland | Granted: € 5000
Society To give future generations a voice and firmly anchor their interests in society
Stichting Internationale Spinozaprijs: Welkom in het parlement van de dingen, anders leren denken en handelen in tijden van klimaatcrisis 2020-0063 | Nederland | Granted: € 2000
Youth the project Welcome in the Parliament of Things; to make the work of philosopher Bruno Latour accessible for young people
Rudolf Steiner School Mbagathi Nairobi: Books and General School Materials 2020-0061 | KENYA | Granted: € 3000
Pedagogy the purchase of books and other practical school materials for the Mbagathi Waldorf School in Nairobi
Justice and Peace Nederland: Cultureel Ambassadeurs voor verbinding 2020-0056 | Nederland | Granted: € 3000
Society a project to promote the activities and talents of cultural ambassadors
Staal: Third Nature, Walking on Thin Ice 2020-0053 | IJsland, Nederland, Duitsland, Denemarken | Granted: € 2000
Project an artist in residence project in Iceland and exhibitions in the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark
Paaschen-Louwerse: Biografie Marie Tak van Poortvliet 2020-0051 | Nederland, Frankrijk, Duitsland, Zwitserland | Granted: € 10000
Science a doctoral research concerning the biography of the artist Marie Tak van Poortvliet
Vriendenvereniging Waldorf aan de Werf: Interculturele projectgroep Waldorf aan de Werf 2020-0046 | Nederland | Granted: € 8000
Pedagogy support for a project group which will prepare the curriculum of the first intercultural Waldorf School in the Netherlands
Goetheanum Rudolf Steiner Archiv/Nachlassverwaltung: Der Rudolf Steiner Gesamtausgabe 2020-0035 | Switzerland | Granted: € 30000
Society Scientific and archival preparation of manuscripts A 250 and GA 251: Lectures of Rudolf Steiner concerning the theosophical and anthroposophical socie
Croon en Bergh / Raphaelstichting: Impuls voor de toekomst 2020-0033 | Nederland | Granted: € 2000
Healthcare Celebration of the 10the anniverarsary of the Croon en Bergh protected living facility, a.o. with a '12 senses walk' and a conference about youth care
Stichting Digitaal liedbundelarchief 2020-0024 | Nederland | Granted: € 4000
Pedagogy a digital archive to give teachers and children easy access to the vast repertoire of Waldorf songs
Private General-Education Institute Pedagogik of the Heart: Pedagogic Seminar Ufa 2020-0023 | Russian Federation | Granted: € 2400
Pedagogy a Waldorf Pedagogy Seminar for teachers, parents and other interested parites
Stichting Ave: Wooninitiatief Stichting Ave 2020-0019 | Nederland | Granted: € 3000
Healthcare support fo a small scale and protected living environment for a group of young adults with light mental disabilities
Goetheanum - Section for Agriculture: The Agricultural Conference 2020 2020-0017 | Zwitserland | Granted: € 4000
Youth a grant to realize a reduced entrance fee for young participants in the agricultural conference
D.S.J.V. Groover: 'Jazz United 2020' 2020-0016 | Nederland | Granted: € 500
Project the 'Jazz United 2020' project of the Groover student Jazz society in Delft.
ÆTHER: Development of ÆTHER 2020-0014 | Switzerland and France | Granted: € 5000
Society th development an professionalization of the Aether website
Werkgroep Menswaardige Techniek: Een vertaling ten behoeve van Natuur en Techniek 2020-0013 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Society the translation of an article for the Nature and Tchnique website
ESMG Quadrivium: Het Elfde Lustrum van ESMG Quadrivium 2020-0011 | Nederland en België | Granted: € 1000
Project To celebrate the 55th anniversary of the ttudent music society eleven music project will be organised this academis year.
Kamerkoor NEXT: MINIMAL 2020-0005 | Nederland | Granted: € 750
Project a cooperation between chamber choir NEXT and two dancers
GSMG Bragi: Matthäus-Passion door Bragi 2020-0002 | Nederland | Granted: € 1000
Project a performance of the Bach Matthäus-Passion by a student choir and orchestra
Nederlands Symfonie Project: het Nederlands Symfonie Project 2019/406 | | Granted: € 1000
Arnhemse Ledengroep AVIN: de organisatie van de Gedenkstonde Arnhem 2019 2019/331 | | Granted: € 600
Stichting Valborg: het project 'Brahms' 2019/003 | | Granted: € 2500