fiscal aspects

For people who pay tax in the Netherlands it is relevant to know that the Iona Stichting is earmarked as an organization for the common good, in the Netherlands called an ANBI foundation.

fiscal benefits (periodic) donation

Gifts are tax deductible, as far as the total sum amounts to 1-11% of your taxable income.

Periodical gifts are fully tax deductible. This is especially interesting for donators who possess a capital, next to their income.

donor-advised fund

The tax benefits when setting up a donor-advised fund are the same as those for a periodic donation. However, a donation to your fund is already tax deductible in the year it was incurred.


In view of the inheritance tax, the donors and the Iona Stichting benefit from the ANBI status. The Iona Stichting does not charge any costs as a service organization. Donations and legacies can be used for the full 100% for the goals indicated by the donor, as long as these fit within the objectives of the Iona Stichting.

Please note that the fiscal benefits only apply to people who pay taxes in the Netherlands.