iona initiatives
An Iona Initiative is initiated by us and highlights a subject fitting within the aims of the foundation. The project can be executed in cooperation with other organizations. Creating our own initiatives is important for the development of our work. The project comes into being after a discussion of ideas in which staff and board members and other interested parties take part.
On this page you’ll find more information about the following Iona initiatives:
- The travels of the artwork Guernica de la Ecologica
- Bernard Lievegoed Academic Network
- PhD Day
the travels of the artwork Guernica de la Ecologia
Guernica de la Ecologia was created by artist Claudy Jongstra. With this work she aims to stimulate awareness and dialogue regarding the downfall of nature and a society in which groups of people cannot participate. The work is also meant to elicit initiatives that stimulate biodiversity, social inclusion and traditional handicrafts and their coherence.
Source of inspiration was Picasso’s Guernica in which he put a focus on the atrocities of war. Claudy’s Guernica has the same monumental measurements.
The Iona Stichting initiated a circle of friends around the artwork and stimulates projects that serve it’s purpose. The circle of friends financially supports the travels of the artwork so it can be seen in relevant places. In between the Guernica de la Ecologia has a home in the office of the Iona Stichting.
If you are interested to participate in the Guernica circle, please contact the office of vist the website:

Bernard Lievegoed Academic Network
Bernard Lievegoed Academic Network: The aim of the Bernard Lievegoed Academic Network (BLAN) is to support anthroposophical research and to provide a network for those involved. The Iona Stichting organizes a meeting at least once a year.
PhD Day
PhD Day: a network meeting for all the people who are currently doing their PhD (subject linked to anthropophy) and who are supported by the Iona Stichting.
Past initiatives
The past 5 years the Iona Stichting developed / was involved with the following initiatives:
- Atelier Antroposophy & Society (website is in Dutch): the atelier started as an Iona initiative, is still connected with the foundation, but now operates as a self-contained project. Purpose of the atelier is to support organizations on an institutional level by offering them deepening and balance by means of social art and contemplative research. Thus groups and individuals can develop skills to help shaping the world of tomorrow in a way that is healing for both people and the earth. Clarine Campagne is project leader. She organizes learning discussions and peer groups for executives an co-workers; the year course Anthroposophy and work; Theory U days, and is contact person for umbrella organizations. She is supported by both the Iona Stichting and the AViN (Anthroposophical Society in The Netherlands).
- Eigendom Anders (website is in Dutch): the initiative is designed for everyone with an issue about relationships and connection of possession, ownership and ownership. Jennifer Benson is the Inspiring guardian and project leader.
- 3-wip: with the help of the Iona Stichting, the 3-seesaw made a journey through The Netherlands. Everywhere it functioned as a serious play object, including workshops about the social threefold. Among other things, the 3-seesaw was at a lot of educational institutes. In the meantime, the 3-seesaw has found a final destination at the Sofia Oosterwoldschool in Almere.
- The working conference Apocalypse now: working on inner support was the result of several substantive conversations about the Apocalypse from very different points of view. During the conference, the theme was discussed from multiple perspectives in close collaboration with scientist Kees Zoeteman, priest Lisette Buisman and artist Carin Anderson.
- Living Architecture: As part of the Iona architects’ year 2000, together with architect Pieter van der Ree the exhibition Organic Architecture, Man and Nature as inspiration was founded. A group of people involved explored a possible restart. The conclusion was that nowadays, there is a different way of informing people. The exhibition did its inspiring work.