
14 januari 2025

Bach marathon met Miha Pogacnik 28 januari

Miha Pogačnik is terug in Amsterdam! Zomer 2023 hoorde ik in het grote trappenhuis van het Goetheanum in Dornach zijn Bach Marathon; zo noemt hij zijn uitvoering van de complete werken van Bach voor viool solo. Diep indrukwekkend! Nu komt hij dit spelen op 28 januari (inloop 19.00 uur, begin 19.30 uur) bij de Iona Stichting:

Miha schreef ons:

“I feel special affinity to Iona Stichting, because of my active connection already 50 years ago with Jan van der Linden for my first Chartres Festival, when I could play violin solo in the magnificent cathedral. And later close co-creation with Dolf van Aalderen. For instance, Dolf took the fantastic initiative in 1985 during Idriart Budapest Festival when he hosted the Dutch group with 300 friends from communistic East Germany in restaurants. East Germans had no money and Dutch were brilliant in “Social Art”! Can we not make this Bach Marathon a kind of celebration event of long-lasting co-creation? Honoring beginnings and Dolf? It is all very personal!” 

In Global Times 2023 nr.8, het blad van de Global Chamber of Business Leaders, verscheen hij in de Cover Story, na de 30 succesvolle jaren dat hij Business Leaders inspireerde met muzikale meesterwerken:

“He is a visionary who began his career as a musician, playing at various events and for not only the creme de la creme but the world’s citizens who found delight in his genre of music. Yes, he has performed for members of Royal families, Ministers and global leaders but he also represented well for entrepreneurs, students, etc. His knowledge and experience also earned him opportunities to be in five best-selling books on leadership.”

Zeer Welkom!

19.00 uur: Welkom met thee en koffie
19.30 uur: Inleiding door Miha en begin van de Bach Marathon
22.00 uur: Afsluiting met drankjes en borrelhapjes tot 22.30 uur

Kantoor Iona Stichting, Herengracht 276, Amsterdam

Namens Michiel ter Horst,
erelid Raad van Toezicht

Iona Stichting

Bach marathon Miha Pogacnik

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